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R8249 or Railmaster Speed issue?

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98% of my locos are fitted with the R8249 decoder and controlled with Railmaster / eLink.

Most suffer from the same "issue" where when incrementing in 1mph steps, at every x0mpg (e.g. 10,20,30,40mph etc.) there is a rise in speed that drops away at x0mpg +1 (e.g. 11,21,31,41mph etc.).

So is this Railmaster that's causing these speed “spikes” or the speed table in R8249?

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Have done a few tests tonight and the problem does look to be in some RailMaster profiles. Some profiles (using the same "test" ringfield based loco) are more pronounced than others and some are good. Without going through all the 60 profiles I use, I have tried about 10. In summary, the default "no name" profile works well and so did an X04 based profile, eg Albert Hall R759. R3153, R352 profiles not so good.

HOWEVER, its probably best left alone as I guess that changing the profiles in a furture update will mess up all of my programs, so best not to touch and live with it!!

Have dropped them an email.

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It's odd that these issues aren't discovered in testing. Maybe Hornby do the old probablity of it affecting users versus costs  to resolve calculation. Or maybe their test protocols dont pick these things up.

I was very dissapointed in the discrepancy in scae speed, but it seems nobody else either cares or has stumbled across theissue. Thats what you get buyingnew toys that show scal speed, though I resorted to a stop watch in the end as I was beginning to mistrust my speed wagon. I gess the very fact thatHornby says have built in a number of alignement steps in the new release indicates they were awrae it could be improved.

Hopefully after your feedback dgilbert2 they willbe working on a fix for that issue too...

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