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IPAD Mimic Panel

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Hi, finally found some time to apply myself to model railway again, I was having trouble getting RM to connect but recently applied some cleaning software which has seemed to remove the connection attempt bug, so far so good.

Anyway I have now manged to get my ipad to connect to RM to save lugging laptop to layout and can trigger point changes on the ipad screen, the query I have is this - can I set something within RM to show direction of point settings on the ipad screen, it shows green and red buttons which illuminate but not the grey arrow direction I get on the laptop screen.

Is there a setting I cannot find? Thnaks, Geo

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I've not found a feature to simulate these on the iPad, just the red and green dots as you say. Once you get accustomed however to using the dots to tell you the direction, it gets easier. e.g. the dot illuminates on the side to show you which direction the point is set to and therefore if the loco will go straight on at the point or turn left/right. It is strange at first but you soon get used to it. Have a look at your computer screen and note how the dots illuminate as you change points. Hard to explain but hope you can follow my gist.

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If you use a "screen scraper" like VNC instead of the Hornby hand help app you will get on your iPad screen exactly what is on your PC screen, including the grey direction arrows.  By "screen scaper" I mean remote control software, something that displays your PC screen on another device and let's you control it from that device.  You can get free versions of VNC, and there are simlar solutions around like logmein. 

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