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Sound has stopped working!

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Hi Folks

recently upgraded to an e-link and RM package and managed to get it all running with no problems.. more luck than ability I think! 

I have a Class 108 fitted with sound, which was working perfectly until this afternoon when all the sounds ceased. Have tried the old switch off and back on again and there were some attempts for the unit to "start up" but after a few seconds it went off and that was that. 

Other than the sound problem, the unit runs fine and lights operating in both directions of travel. Just a bit perplexed as to what could have happened?

Everything else on the layout seems to working fine, so apart from the sound problem, I guess I've been quite lucky, having seen some of the other posts. 

I have looked through the RM/e-link manual, but being an english speaker, just ended up more confused. 

Any suggestions of what this might be and how I can cure it would be gratefully accepted. Being relatively new to all this, it's fair to describe me as completely clueless when it comes to the techno stuff, so keep it simple folks :-)..


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Hi Fishmanoz

The decoder was fitted for me at my local model shop a couple of weeks ago and had been working 100% and it suddenly decided not to work. However, it has been starting up with sound before dropping out again.... sometimes just switching on the laptop and e-link causes the engine to start and a diesel clatter for a few seconds before going off, so it appears that the speakers are working. I've noticed in other discussions some mention of CV addresses that may need to be adjusted, particularly for non-Hornby products which this unit and decoder are, but I genuninely have no idea what all the CV stuff is about - saving that one for another topic!! ;-).

Cheers Tom.

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Hi Tom,

I am assuming that your pc is connected to the internet and therefore fully up-to-date with RM software version and elink firmware version.

In RM, have you been into the loco setup for your Class 108 to make sure all of the function codes for the various sounds are still configured?


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Hi Ray 

Yes, managed to do all the configuration stuff with the relevant drop down selection and pick the corresponding sound to Function number. Also confirm that the internet is connected and the updates completed. Just about to go and switch on to see if its decided to come back to life. I have noticed some posts about the power supply being an issue, I'm using the 1amp as supplied, which until yesterday worked fine, and still is in terms of general operation - just this pesky sound issue! 

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By way of an update, everything turned on ok and everything operating as it should via the e-link, except the troublesome 108!! Lights on in both directions and running well in both directions bit that's it. Left it in a siding and suddenly the sounds kick in with sudden burst of a diesel start up which ran for a few seconds before stopping again. This sequence repeated frequently with varying timings, some longer than others, before stopping... quite entertaining really when in another room and you hear it start up and run before going off..

I've tried removing the unit and re-entering it together with the relevant sound functions - but still only the light function working. 

I'm afraid this is beyond my abilities which are limited to turning the set up on and off at wall really, so if there are any suggestions out there as to what I could try, they would be very welcome. 

Thanks all. 

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Sounds to me like the problem is with the 108 itself. I would suggest taking it back to the local model shop who fitted the decoder for you. See if they have a DCC system of their own to try it out on. This will tell you whether its the loco or RM/elink.


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Good to know that one poliss for a non-sound loco person. Although I think in this instance where the loco sits in a siding all by itself and blurts out a few seconds of sound at random, that is unlikely to be the problem. Unless of course the problem with the decoder is that the mute function itself is faulty. 

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