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Loksound chip


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I have the Hornby Princess Helena Loco with sound using the Loksound ver 4 with 8 pin chip. I use Rail Master and e-link. 

Under Rail Master in the sound settings there are a number of sounds shown but I can not get some such as rail clack and others to work. My question is am I missing something in my setup or are the sounds shown just general sounds for different trains.

Can I also ask sometime in the future I would like to add lights and coal burning effect to the loco, I know the chip I have will allow for this but to connect the units to the chip do I have to solder them on or do they screw into a terminal?

Thanks for any replies and as I am now away for the weekend I will not be able to answer any replies until Sunday night. 

Happy train driving all, Ron.

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Hi Ron,

Does the description of Rail Clack include the words "on/off" at the end. This is vital for this kind of function under RM. It ensures that pressing the button the first time will switch on the sound, and it will stay on until the function button is pressed again. If those 6 characters are not there in the description, you can add them yourself, then save the loco details.


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Hi Ron, you may find the rail clack comes on for a few seconds then turns off again.  This is what's called a latched setting, one that can be set on or off with repeated invocations of the relevant function key.  With Railmaster you simulate this by naming the sound in the railmaster loco settings to be something like "rail clack on/off" rather than just "rail clack".

The loksound decoder can control several light controls.  Typically white and yellow leads are used for lights, and green and purple for for what they call AUX1 and AUX2 which can be other lighting effects like smokebox, uncouplers, etc(blue is common in all cases).  You will have to get the soldering iron out, but don't attempt what is pretty fine soldering unless you are reasonably competent at the art.

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The same would apply to any lights, Jailor. You will find, though, that some sounds don't need the on/off command to be added, such as whistles. It's worth exprimenting with each sound loco because accompanying instructions are not always clear about which functions need to be latched (on/off).

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