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Cannot get my eLink to work at all


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Hoping that someone can help.  I have finally gotten round to setting up my Hornby eLink that I received as a gift.

I am a Windows 8 PC, with anti-virus and firewall software deactivated.  I have the latest version (1.55) of RailMaster installed, and the eLink port set to Com1 & 115200 BAUD.

When I start RM, the software appears to initialise connection with the eLink, and then get 2 bars into updating the firmware to 1.04.  On investigating the logs, I don't think it does succeed in contacting the eLink at all, and goes on to try a firmware update anyway (See logs below).

The PC recognises the eLink at least as a USB Com Port device, but there is no evidence that any eLink functionality is working other than a friendly green LED shining on the box.

Really hoping that someone can help.



04/09/14 21:15:48 Starting communications with: Hornby eLink on Com1
04/09/14 21:15:48 Settings: 115200, None, 8, 1
04/09/14 21:15:48 Current Com port status=False
04/09/14 21:15:48 Setting and opening com port: 1
04/09/14 21:15:49 Attempt: 2
04/09/14 21:15:51 Successfully opened Com port
04/09/14 21:15:51 Com port status=True
04/09/14 21:15:51 Preparing eLink handshake (Port status=True)
04/09/14 21:15:51 Resetting eLink prior to handshaking (Port status=True)
04/09/14 21:15:55 Closed com port to eLink
04/09/14 21:16:09 Reopening com port to eLink
04/09/14 21:16:11 Initiating handshake with eLink (Port open=True)
04/09/14 21:16:15 Failed initial response
04/09/14 21:16:15 Forcing an eLink firmware check due to not being able to read
04/09/14 21:16:16 Checking eLink firmware: 1.01 against: 1.04
04/09/14 21:16:16 Updating eLink firmware to: 1.04
04/09/14 21:16:16 Stopped all timers
04/09/14 21:16:16 Loading firmware update file
04/09/14 21:16:16 Number of lines read: 5059
04/09/14 21:16:16 Rebooting DCC controller 1 into firmware update mode
04/09/14 21:16:21 Closed com port to eLink
04/09/14 21:16:40 Reopened port (statusTrue)
04/09/14 21:16:40 Requesting firmware update mode confirmation

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Hi Ts, welcome to the forums. A couple of things to check: are you installed as administrator?  You can check by right clicking on the desktop icon, selecting compatibility tab and ensuring the run as administrator box is ticked. 

It's also clear from your log that the eLink is having trouble communicating. Have you checked in Device Manager to ensure you have the correct com port specified in RM setup and that it is not on a port other then 1?

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Then suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM, making sure you tell them you have installed as administrator, you are not being blocked by AV and the com port matches. Also, when you do this, your log file is automatically sent to them. 

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When you plug in the elink via the USB cable it should display in device manager which will tell you which port windows is using to talk to elink.  This is the port you should specify in railmaster.  To find device manager in windows 8, go to settings charm, select control panel, click on hardware and sound and then select device manager (alongside devices and printers).

Sorry if you already know this, it's hard to tell people's knowledge of computers just from their postings... :-)

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I have to say that I've found the elink/RM port connection somewhat flakey. Sometimes it will find it first time and others it doesn't even look at the saved port number first but scans all available ports before reporting it can't find it. By closing RM and power cycling the elink usually fixes it but I shouldn't have to do it. Still only "playing" with it atm so not using it in anger so not a huge problem as once it's up it's OK. I'm wondering if it's the 1 amp PSU that's at fault as others have reported elsewhere.

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It may be the 1 amp unit but it can also be a simple thing like Windows not picking upi things in the order it should to establish a connection to its ports. Now while some may think this is not right I can assure you it is.

By their very nature computers, whether laptops, PC's, tablets, phones or whatever, have to do things logically and in certain order when they are first booted. If something is slow to respond, say with a driver file or dll file, then that operation will time out and will not work until corrected manually by restarting the offending driver or hardware or even Windows which isn't too often thankfully.

All I am saying is don't always jump on the hardware being at fault - it may just be something in your setup that is getting in the way without you being aware of it... especially if you are not computer savvy like myself for example. I always look at ALL equipment that is interconnected before jumping on one as an issue.

Anyway, don't take anything personally from the text above... I am here to help and as I have been helped in the past by some excellent contributors within these forums.

If you are worried about the 1 amp supply TDD then buy the 4 amp version and see what that does. If it fails to solve the issue at least you have a better supply at hand for when it does work correctly. They are cheap enough to take that gamble in my view.

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AC, hadn't realised about time-outs in the boot sequence until you said it above. It seems to me that you have explained what HRMS were talking about in their explanation of why the 1 amp doesn't work in some systems and how a new driver in the next update is going to solve the problem. 

No one should have to pay for a 4 amp supply to make their eLink work. If it's needed, then the system as bought is not fit for purpose and so it is a warranty issue. If it takes a 4 amp supply to fix it, Hornby should be supplying it. Everyone who has had to get the 4 amp to make eLink reliable should be talking to HCC about warranty. But wait and see if your 1 amp starts working after the next update, it will make your case stronger because it will prove it wasn't fit for purpose originally. 

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Nothing taken personally AC. As a retired ex computer engineer I have seen it all before. I will wait for the F/W fix to see if that improves it and if not I'll get the 4 amp supply. Should work out of the box though - all I've down so far is connect it to 2 feet of track and tested a couple of locos actually move and played with CVs.

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Sorry I haven't got time to give a full answer but .......

...... I had the problem of messages about this version keep popping up.  It appeared to say it was installed but then again, not.  You are in no mans land. 

 I think you need to uninstall then reinstall or just try a reinstall over the top.  I think it has been mentioned elsewhere on this forum and HRMS made a similar suggestion.

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Installing over the top is not always a best solution as residual files can and will be left by the uninstaller. It is always better to remove an offending program completely and if you wish to be really sure you can (IF you know what you are doing!!!!) enter the registry and manually remove residual keys etc. I will not be held responsible if you do this however as you really need to know what you are doing here with the latter stage!!!!!

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No probs Fishy mate... sometimes a 1 amp supply is not enough when systems are modified with updates and after an earlier release of this supply when it would have worked normally. So additions can effectively negate the 1 amp supply and require a new one with extra ampage offered. It may well depend upon how much equipment is being run on that 1 amp supply too althoughi it seems some folk are struggling with next to nothing added really.

As for the not fit for purpose angle it may well be argued that this is the case. However, it should really be proven that on more than just a few systems this supply is FAULTY and not just sold with little or no gusto to run things properly. Hornby may argue that when tested on anything that would run with a 1 amp requirement it performed well enough to justify supply and sale. Some folk will just not bother arguing about it and just buy the 4 amp supply but others may wish to fight their corner and take it further. This is OK and Hornby may just come good and accept the argument offered by its customers that the supply is not doing what it was manufactured for.

If enough complain and it can be proved it is not working then a product recall may ensue. There are so many ways Hornby can handle this and I won't attempt to second guess them :-).

As for the time-outs... well, would you believe I had one tonight but the system caught on and simply rechecked the ports and worked... funny old world lol... but seruiously it can be an issue which may cause frustration.

One other point... ALWAYS keep your machine clear of spyware and malware (I don't mention viruses or trojans here coz they work in diifferent ways) as they can block ports and cause delays all over the place on your beloved PC/laptop...

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With little attached to the Elink it should work with what you describe unless as I state in a previous post above there is maybe a bit of malware or spyware lurking on the computer. As you know they can cause issues with ports being blocked so it may be worth just checking for those using your fav program and a couple of others besides like Malwarebytes and Spybot which will, between them, eliminate the vast majority of those missed by standalone AV products.

When the update is issued and you test it let us know what happened. If you decide to go for the 4 amp supply you could do what Fishy suggests and claim a free one from Hornby for the reasons he outlays. He is correct as far as the not fit for purpose law goes and I, having studied and passed, consumer law will watch this case re the 1 amp supply with interest.

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