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E-Link queries.


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I rather like the way that elink controls the points and am building an exhibition layout.

I have 2 queries about e-link the answers to will determine whether I stay with elink or go in another direction...

1) if I have 2 layouts, one fixed (in the garage for running in/testing/experimenting etc with a fixed elink,. And an exhibition layout that travels away from home with its own elink, can I put 2 elinks on one pc or would I need 2 laptops?

Which brings me to (2) would an I-pad/laptop combo need an internet connection to work (church halls don't usually have this !) 

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RailMaster supports the use of up to two DCC controllers, e.g. two eLinks or an eLink and Elite running at the same time.  One controller can be dedicated to the operation of locos and the other to signals, points and other accessories.

You can also use twe different eLinks (indeed any number of them) on the same RailMaster installation on a single PC so your one PC will easily operate any latyout that has an eLink on it.

The latest version of RailMaster HandHeld app (1.20) should not need an Internet connection when being used out and about.  Having said that, you need to test it in practice using the evaluation software (you don't have to pay for it) as different mobile devices/browsers can work in different ways.

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