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Voice Control

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Yes I appreciate that but in my case I would rather to minimise the amount of words that need to be recognised and that is why I thought being able to just use the function number would be good and with time they will be committed to memory like all my locos are against their decoder number.  Thanks again Malcolm

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Thanks for doing the function update.   I have had a session tonight after downloading latest version and did get fifteen minute period when I had things working as intended. .  Now worked out that functions on some engines are now plus 1 due to No F0.  Very impressive but unfortunately to achieve that I had to close and open software about five  times.  Locked up twice and on other occasions all voice commands correct on dialogue box but point locos etc not responding or very delayed.  Does not appear to be voice recognition but command getting to whatever.   Will keep trying.   One if my problems is I wear hearing aids so Head set has to adjusted yo sit over microphone on top of aids If I wish to hear bleeps and alike.  Thankfully does not effect the microphone and speech recognition.   Keep up the good work.   Not sure how I overcome my issues of how it is working intermittently.  Thanks Malcolm

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Wow, that was quick :-). Downloaded and installed. Almost works here. When I say 'Function One' RM replies 'Function not supported'. Nevermind, 'Sound on' now works. F2 and F3 work properly, F4 (not used) and F5,. F6 and F7, F8 and F9,are transposed, F10 works correctly F11 - F19 are moved up by one - F19  becomes F20 (not used). So far I have seen no ill-effects elsewhere. iI would rate this as close but no cigar. I think it would be nicer and more convenient if the Function labels could be used, but it is working, and we are making progress.

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I must admit I am with RAF96 on the subject of software configuration control but the ability to display the version number is most welcome.

I currently have version 4 loaded but without downloading again I have no way of knowing if this is the latest version.  Would it be possible for yourselves to add a thread (locked so that it stays at the top) to advise us what the latest version is that has been released.

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Hi Dodge

found it ureka you know on railmaster locomotives list if you edit one of your loco's you see at the bottom voice control command and I listed that one as 0-6-0 and save it and away it went forward speed 05 no prblem then I tried the 7f which the coumputer did not like the F so same voice control command named it black7 and woof of it went so now going though all my locos and naming them quite simple in that box and off they go I am so chuff about this as i was getting a little down hearted about the whole thing and i just sp eak normal but a bit slower and now have 6 locos all running to wireless commands no longer tie to sitting at the computer screen now walk up and down my 12 foot of railway tell everything what to do.bye god that deserves a pint.

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As I reported earlier:

"When I say 'Function One' RM replies 'Function not supported'. Nevermind, 'Sound on' now works. F2 and F3 work properly, F4 (not used) and F5,. F6 and F7, F8 and F9,are transposed, F10 works correctly F11 - F19 are moved up by one - F19  becomes F20 (not used)."

To make that clearer, the sound which should be controlled by, say F6, is in fact controlled by F7 etc. The sound which should be controlled by F11 is operated by F12, and so on up to F19, which is controlled by F20. F20 should be 'Function not supported'.

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