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controlling locomotive functions

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I am having trouble controlling my dcc controlled coupling when using railmaster.
When using the elite, there is no problem and the digital coupling stops on when activated until switched off.
This is not the case when using railmaster, the coupling

works and then shuts off immediately.
I have followed the instructions about using the macro to extend the time by introducing the pause time and end instruction, but the coupling still is unchanged in the way it is performing.
The function button on

the display of railmaster is completing the set task as instructed.
Any thoughts,obviously the function is correctly set up on the decoder (elite working correctly).
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Try using a different function description just to make sure it will actually operate from Railmaster the same as the Elite.

If the coupling function is say on F3 try and select an on/off function to operate it and don't use a macro.
If there

is nothing in the required function number, in the description box just call it say "coupling on/off"
As long as the description fits in the description box and you follow it with on/off it should turn function on/off.

At least that way you know

it will actually work via Railmaster the next step is then to find out why the macro function doesn't work.
What digital coupling are you using?


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