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Train-Tech signals and set up in RailMaster

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Remember also that we put forward a couple of possible reasons for the problem, that are not necessarily the fault of anybody. One was the point at which the signal was originally programmed during its flashing light sequence. The other was that it may be a timing issue in that RailMaster sends out the signal changes for an array of signals very quickly and it is possible that a Train-tech signal (usually towards or at the end of the sequence) may be misinterpreting the DCC signal/command.


As we explained, we changed one dodgy signal and it then worked for us and hopefully will do the same for you. We then need to experiment with timings to see if the amount of data being fired at the signals really does make a difference. Remember that each signal is also an accessory decoder and 'listening' out for a command related to its ID, so it must constantly monitor the DCC signal. We have a feeling that this may be the issue. It is not something that Train-tech could have tested for, not having a program that controls their signals to the extent that RailMaster does.


No doubt you will let us know if your replacement signal resolves the issue.


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Hello HRMS thank you for your input.


I did mention the timing issue in my message above and that of the faulty signal.


I have just prior to this reply written to David at Train-Tech, DCP Express, he was helpful in the past so am sure he will be helpful this time also. I will see what he says as to whether to have a replacement signal or just buy one more as that may be much faster.


I also have no doubt you, HRMS, won't follow this through to the end, I also know you will help in whatever way is needed to find a solution, if it is a timing issue naturally that is down to you it is not something I can do.


I remain open minded, I am not concerned in any way where the fault is, or how it is fixed, like you I look forward to seeing the back of it. I have been patient, over three months but, I also know this has not been a straight forward issue and only add that statement in the light of recent comments. Having said that, it would be fantastic if a replacement signal solved the issue.


Thank you for all your help, I have said it before, on the forum and by email, I am grateful.  As frustrating as these problems are, it is better to have them now than in six or twelve months time.


Yes, I will keep you informed as I have in the past.



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... I also have no doubt you, HRMS, won't follow this through to the end ...


Is that what you meant to say?  won't or should it be will?

Of course I would not like to give the impression that I am the slightest bit interested in signals though!

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I also have no doubt you, HRMS, won't follow this through to the end, I also know you will help in whatever way is needed to find a solution, if it is a timing issue naturally that is down to you it is not something I can do.



Hope you're well, not seen many postings from you recently. I have followed this thread and hope you soon get the problem solved; I've said before on this forum that my use of English leaves a lot to be desired but I think you meant to say "I also have no doubt you will follow this through to the end".

Ah, RDS beat me to it!


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I also have no doubt you, HRMS, won't follow this through to the end, I also know you will help in whatever way is needed to find a solution, if it is a timing issue naturally that is down to you it is not something I can do.



Hope you're well, not seen many postings from you recently. I have followed this thread and hope you soon get the problem solved; I've said before on this forum that my use of English leaves a lot to be desired but I think you meant to say "I also have no doubt you will follow this through to the end".

Ah, RDS beat me to it!



Hi 37


I'm OK. I push myself to hard at times, but kept going with the flu, so as not to get the 'man flu' jokes (although they tend to come from the females) I just said head cold. I am more or less over that now but, am concerned with all the camera action inside me and not finding the fault... so it is not just signals  ;o)


I have no concerns over HRMS they are a good set of guys and very genuine. We have chatted by email etc many times so they know what I meant to say. 


Thanks for your concern and interest.



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... I also have no doubt you, HRMS, won't follow this through to the end ...


Is that what you meant to say?  won't or should it be will?

Of course I would not like to give the impression that I am the slightest bit interested in signals though!




You know me better than that, it is easy to not quite say what you mean at times.  Some people wouldn't understand they think every thing is black and white. I get tired eyes with the prisms in the glasses and think I said what I meant to. Even re-reading sometimes I do see things I should.


Thanks for picking up the error, you certainly saw the red signal this time, pretty good as you are not the slightest bit interested in signals  ;o)


You are not interested in signals like John is not interested in Loco Detection. We are all interested to a degree, just at different stages with out layouts, thoughts and priorities. 


I do not regret going in hook line and sinker at the early stage, although it had it's frustration and has taken time I am confident it will be sorted, it is good for all of us I think as it helps Hornby get to the bottom of problems at an early stage.


Hornby are doing a great job, RM is moving forward well, since v1.80 it has continued to show all the signs of not just a great package but an award winning one as time moves on. TTS Sound has been taken well, some are even concerned Hornby sales will increase and sales for the Loksound reduce. That is some statement but has been said on other forums. A Class 37 diesel getting great reports and for less than £80 in some places.


I know Hornby have set out the models coming this year but, if sales continue to grow for TTS Sound they may pop in a few surprises with other TTS Sound trains.  Here I am hoping again  ;o)



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I have another Update regarding the Train-Tech 4 aspect signal issue.


DCP Express - Train-Tech have confirmed...


The different aspect signals do have slightly different circuitry in them but the core firmware has not changed for a long time - over a year and that was to solve a particular issue with some versions of a Digitrax controller.


Hornby are not the only ones to have issues, this is new technology.


They also say... I am more than happy to check and if necessary update the software inside your signal if you would like us to (as we would always do).


Incompatibility is always a difficult issue as its 2 way - the digitrax issue for example was because of a set of commands they (uniquely) send out on their DCC bus when the controller is first powered up intended for their own accessories but it affected our signals and another 3rd partys accessories, but because our signals came out after their controller we felt we had to try and get around the problem with our software.   


The strange thing with this fault is that we have been shipping our signals for approximately 30 months and nothing like this affecting the 4 aspect signal has been reported before as far as my records show.    


What we do not know is how many people purchased 4 aspect signals and what system they used but they are very obliging and always willing to help sort any issue or provide advise before or after a sale.    


I have found Train-Tech customer service excellent, I can also say the same for Hornby.    



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Hello PJ,I have spent today reconfiguring all of my TrainTech signals. If you remember, my issue was with their operation under the control of RM programs. A couple of months ago, I discovered that the problems I was having were connected to signals which had an address which was exactly divisible by four. I informed HRMS of this, and left it at that. Since then I have been operating without my signals changing. Today, I re-addressed those signals (both 2- and 4-aspect) which were divisible by four. This involved 7 signals, which of course, were incorporated into many of the programs I have developed. To cut a long story short, I managed to write a bit of software of my own which trawled through all of my existing programs looking for the old signal addresses, and replacing them with their new ones.I am pleased to say all of my 4-aspect signals are working properly, both from within programs, and by operation from the Track Diagram. I still have issues with my 2-aspect signals, but I'll cover that in another post.Now that I have my 4-aspects working to my own satisfaction, I thought I would try out your scenario. The image below shows how I configured four of my 4-aspects. I have to report that, apart from one small issue (described below), they seem to be working the way they should.Clicking each signal in turn from left to right to turn that signal red, had the following effects:-230 R no others changed222 R 230 changes to Y210 R 222 changes to Y, 230 changes to YY202 R 210 changes to Y, 222 changes to YY, 230 changes to Gthen202 Y 210 changes to YY, 222 changes to G202 YY 210 changes to G202 G no others changed (all now showing G)

HOWEVER, if you now go back and click 230 again, it changes to Y instead of R, as too does 222 and 210 when they are clicked. Clicking 202 again, however, correctly changes it to R. This means those signals which have been changed by another signal seem to lose their sequence (change from G to Y) whereas the signal which wasn't changed by another (202) does not lose its clicking sequence. The way around that is to use the new technique of clicking the icon but keeping your finger on the mouse button until you hear a sound from your speakers. This will have forced the signal to switch to Red.

Can I ask you about your fourth signal (30)? Did you ever swap it's address with one of the others? Also, when you gave the signals their address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?



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... it is easy to not quite say what you mean at times.............Thanks for picking up the error .... 


But was it really an error?  I have now read it back again and again and again and I can convince myself that I know what you mean, whether it says will or won't.  Maybe just another strange aspect (oop's bad choice of word!) of the English language.

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... it is easy to not quite say what you mean at times.............Thanks for picking up the error .... 


But was it really an error?  I have now read it back again and again and again and I can convince myself that I know what you mean, whether it says will or won't.  Maybe just another strange aspect (oop's bad choice of word!) of the English language.




Don't worry about it, it is history now. I push myself to hard at times, my eyes get really tired, I should give in but don't. We all know no harm was meant, sometimes things can be read two ways and even at the time it may not appear obvious. This is why many companies say another person should proof read important documents as the person typing reads what they meant the same way. This is, except for solictiors who like open text with no punctuation at all so they can make sure things can be read in different ways depending how the text was put.


There is lots more to talk about so we move on, thanks for your concern, now back to Signals and RailMaster and Loco Detection should it pop up   ;o)



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Hello PJ,I have spent today reconfiguring all of my TrainTech signals. If you remember, my issue was with their operation under the control of RM programs. A couple of months ago, I discovered that the problems I was having were connected to signals which had an address which was exactly divisible by four. I informed HRMS of this, and left it at that. Since then I have been operating without my signals changing. Today, I re-addressed those signals (both 2- and 4-aspect) which were divisible by four. This involved 7 signals, which of course, were incorporated into many of the programs I have developed. To cut a long story short, I managed to write a bit of software of my own which trawled through all of my existing programs looking for the old signal addresses, and replacing them with their new ones.I am pleased to say all of my 4-aspect signals are working properly, both from within programs, and by operation from the Track Diagram. I still have issues with my 2-aspect signals, but I'll cover that in another post.Now that I have my 4-aspects working to my own satisfaction, I thought I would try out your scenario. The image below shows how I configured four of my 4-aspects. I have to report that, apart from one small issue (described below), they seem to be working the way they should.Clicking each signal in turn from left to right to turn that signal red, had the following effects:-230 R no others changed222 R 230 changes to Y210 R 222 changes to Y, 230 changes to YY202 R 210 changes to Y, 222 changes to YY, 230 changes to Gthen202 Y 210 changes to YY, 222 changes to G202 YY 210 changes to G202 G no others changed (all now showing G)

HOWEVER, if you now go back and click 230 again, it changes to Y instead of R, as too does 222 and 210 when they are clicked. Clicking 202 again, however, correctly changes it to R. This means those signals which have been changed by another signal seem to lose their sequence (change from G to Y) whereas the signal which wasn't changed by another (202) does not lose its clicking sequence. The way around that is to use the new technique of clicking the icon but keeping your finger on the mouse button until you hear a sound from your speakers. This will have forced the signal to switch to Red.

Can I ask you about your fourth signal (30)? Did you ever swap it's address with one of the others? Also, when you gave the signals their address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?




Good morning Ray


I follow what you say fully but, you are using a straight track, north to south or in this case west to east as we view the image.


This section of a length of track is the simplest to replicate as it is coming into view and going out of view, it basically also replicates a train leaving a siding. If this doesn't work nothing will work but it gets more in depth as we proceed to the next level.


To ensure everything is working correctly, I think, we have to include as you have the Red as well as the Y, YY and G. But in most cases, as we know this will not be the case with most trains as the train will change the signal it passes to RED and the tender or last carriage will turn the previous three signals back in order Y, YY and G.  But, it is right at this stage to consider R, Y, YY, G to change as the train could be very small. 0-6-0 or smaller.


So exactly as you put, 202=R, 210=Y, 222=YY and 230=G.  This is the simplest form of testing all aspects on all signals but is only looking at a snap shot of a section. We know as  the train passed 230 and turned it RED the previous 3 signals, not seen in the snalp shot, also changes to Y, YY and G back down the line. The same can be said as the train moves forward past signal 202 to the next one and turns that Red, 202=Y, 210=YY and 222=G, 230 was Green and remains Green unless another train passes it.


To do this correctly we would need to show a straight line of 12 signals, starting at say the 4th and running through to the 12th. By doing this we would see clearly the moving 4 blocks, created by the changes to the 4 signals as the train moves forward.  But we have model trains and as much as we may try replicate real life we have to accept firstly it is a model and secondly we can replicate real life but, in the space we have to create our layout in. Very few people I think woulld have  a straight length of track consisting of 12 signals in 12 blocks. Except for shows, I can only think of one and that is the guy replication Llandudno railway in a triple garage. There will be more but very few I think. So in reality some will have left to right/right to left layouts (Shelf type layouts) but the larger percentage will have ovals. This means that 4 aspect signals demand a minimum of 4 signal/blocks, 3 aspect signals demand a minimimum of 3 signal/blocks and 2 aspect signals demand a minimum of two signal/blocks. 


So with signalling, as I see it, theree are three main areas to consider.

1 - the snap shot of 4 signals programmed as if coming out of a siding. It is paramount this works for R, Y, YY and G

2 - the same 4 signals but with an oval track. Ths is where coding appears at first to go back on itself but, doesn't. It is important to have 4 signal blocks or more as anytthing less would lead to a cyclic event and would not work, could not work and should not work.

3 - how signal sequence affect other signals in the 4 blocks, especially when a second train enters the 4 blocks and demand to change signals which should be RED to another aspect.


For now, in this discussion, we should look at the 4 signals in a straight line or an oval. (Stage-1 and Stage-2)  But must ensure all work correctly. In fairness to HRMS this is what we have done for several weeks and they are sure that one signal, for what ever reason was faulty. I have had anoher email from David at Train-Tech, I offered to purchase another signal, he has told me not to do so but to return the one in question and they will look at it and return it back to me promptly. Very fair and very helpful I think.


Which brings me back to your comments have I moved the signals to a different order. A simple answer is no, yes I thought of doing so but, once I thought the issue would be solved I soldered them all under or to the outside of rails. So it was not a simple task as you can imagine.  To conclude stage-1 which now includes Stage-2 with HRMS involved I need to send the signal away, get it back and hope it fixes the issue.  I will keep HRMS and the forum informed. If the first 2 stages are working correctly the more complicated 3rd one can be looked at. I am working on examples for these.


Initially some may say, but you will noot find an oval track in real life!  They would be correct with that statement but, we have to accept, I think, that people with model trains have oval trains, Hornby sellls train sets with oval tracks, oval tracks have been around for 60 years and more, from the start of model trains and that is not going to change. So programming 4x 4 aspect signals in 4 blocks or more has to work, and it should work, it is 4 blocks, there are no cyclic situations programmed in, it shouldn't matter if the track is straight or oval 4 blocks are 4 blocks. 


I will keep everyone informed and many thanks for all your trouble Ray.   



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Hello again, PJ,

I've just been experimenting with my 4-aspect signals, and I've noticed that the "Other Point signal" settings given to a signal are now executed when that signal is switched by a program. Now I may have imagined it, but I'm pretty sure I was told that these settings would not be carried out from within a program, because the program itself could include all the necessary instructions to change the signals "back down the line".

I have written a program which does the following:-

0.0 202 Signal Clear

1.0 210 Signal Clear

2.0 222 Signal Clear

3.0 230 Signal Clear

10.0 230 Signal Stop

20.0 222 Signal Stop

30.0 210 Signal Stop

40.0 202 Signal Stop

50.0 202 Signal Single Yellow

60.0 202 Signal Double Yellow

70.0 202 Signal Clear

When this program is run, the signals change perfectly "back down the line".



P.s. Did you see my earlier post?

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Hi PJ,

I think you might have missed my question in the earlier post ...


Also, when you gave the signal (30) its address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?



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Hello again, PJ,

I've just been experimenting with my 4-aspect signals, and I've noticed that the "Other Point signal" settings given to a signal are now executed when that signal is switched by a program. Now I may have imagined it, but I'm pretty sure I was told that these settings would not be carried out from within a program, because the program itself could include all the necessary instructions to change the signals "back down the line".

I have written a program which does the following:-

0.0 202 Signal Clear

1.0 210 Signal Clear

2.0 222 Signal Clear

3.0 230 Signal Clear

10.0 230 Signal Stop

20.0 222 Signal Stop

30.0 210 Signal Stop

40.0 202 Signal Stop

50.0 202 Signal Single Yellow

60.0 202 Signal Double Yellow

70.0 202 Signal Clear

When this program is run, the signals change perfectly "back down the line".



P.s. Did you see my earlier post?


Hello Ray


Programs are the best way to set the signals I found. They obey what you request because they are one instruction per program line. Or possibly I am finding this best as the signals are not yet working in sequence as they should.


I run my CoN in a program, I set station signal Red to Green, the train passes over some points then passes another signal, at the set time this changes to Red, as the last carriage passes the station signal it turns Red, and as it passes the signal just past the points that sends 3 program instruction, previous signal Y, one before it YY and the one before that Green. I leave 0.10 of a second between each program instruction in order as stated and they work. The station signal is not on the sequence loop.


As the train continues around the layout program instructions are carried out, first for Red as the train passes the signal and secondly 3 previous signals, with 3 separate commands change the previous, order and timing as before. It works but it is fiddly getting the timings right.


The above mentioned program was run to simulate Loco Detection, it was clumsier in a program than it will be with LD but it gave me the same effect visually.


This is why I am looking for commands to do this in Loco Detection. Controlling any single aspect, on any single signal, anywhere on the layout.  But so far I have not seen enough to know we can control the signals this way in Loco Detection.


These are the signal related commands in LD.


On signal green

On signal red

On signal yellow

On signal double yellow

On signal Flash Yellow

On signal Flash double

On signal Flash Green

Stop loco on signal

Resume loco on signal

Set clear signal

Set danger signal


The thing we do not know at this stage is what the right hand column allows for each of these command. But we do know we can Link any signal to give the commands.


Signals can be set, as we are doing, in the signals themselves and we can program R, Y, YY, G back down the line. (except for possibly a faulty signal which I am looking into with HRMS and anything else anyone may be experiencing). My concern is looking ahead on what we know, accepting HRMS will fix these little bugs experienced now or a change in signal in my case clearing the issue, what happens when two trains are in a 4 block system and one moving forward wants to change a signal down the line which is Red. One could say, this is because it is an oval and in real life we don't have ovals but, in model trains there will always be ovals. I am experimenting at present with this issue and the same can apply when one train is moving forward and another comes out of a siding or branches onto the main line. The same situation occurs.



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Hi PJ,

I think you might have missed my question in the earlier post ...


Also, when you gave the signal (30) its address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?




Can you tell me please, how you programmed signal 30. If it was done a certain way, it may account for its behaviour and may not be faulty at all.


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Hi PJ,

I think you might have missed my question in the earlier post ...


Also, when you gave the signal (30) its address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?




Hi Ray


Yes I saw your message earlier and replied but an image was in the reply so it has been held by HRMS from earlier this morning. I have just checked I see it is there now they must be really busy.


When I set each signal in learn mode, I made sure I did exactly the same for each signal, when I explained this to HRMS they said it didn't matter but, in my way of thinking I was being consistent which should help avoid possible problems.


I moved the light sequence in the mimic plan to YY, set the learn mode so that all aspects were flashing, then I clicked the signal in the mimic plan, they went to green every time which the correct aspect after YY. All 4 signals were programmed the same way.



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Hi PJ,

I think you might have missed my question in the earlier post ...


Also, when you gave the signal (30) its address using the "learn" technique, did you click its icon of the Layout Diagram and if so what aspect was the signal showing at the time?




Can you tell me please, how you programmed signal 30. If it was done a certain way, it may account for its behaviour and may not be faulty at all.



Hi Ray

See reply above, we are over lapping each other I think  ;o)


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The important point is that the icon was showing YY, because the signal is expecting to be "taught" what "green" is, and green should be sent by RM if the current aspect is YY.

But what if, in the signal configuration, the sequence was not set to r/g/r/g ?


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The important point is that the icon was showing YY, because the signal is expecting to be "taught" what "green" is, and green should be sent by RM if the current aspect is YY.

But what if, in the signal configuration, the sequence was not set to r/g/r/g ?



Hi Ray


Initially all signals were set the same R G R G, they were all set the same way.


When HRMS became involved, I was asked to set the 4 signals to exactly what they had, so that together we could look for the problem, this made perfect sense and as a result they managed to replicate the issue in the sequence I had. What I have never understood is why my fourth signal #30 was faulty and their fourth signal #30 was also faulty. But, the main thing was looking for a reason for the fault not working out the perentage chance of us both having a signal in the same position, both causing the same issue.


So it wasn't until HRMS was involved and they suggested the changing of the R G R G to G R R G as we did. The important parts therefore are... the signal were set from YY to G in learn mode, both before changing the R G R G and also afterward. We both did exactly the same thing and they were able to replicate my problem, the 4th signal R & G being in reverse showing Red instead of green. Only this one aspect switch and only on the one signal?


My signal 30 has been returned to Train-Tech today so I cannot do any more testing and have to wait for it to be returned to me. David did say, return it, we will test it and change anything if needs be and will return it to me promptly. It will be interesting to see if it works when returned and also to hear what Train-Tech have to say following testing their signal.



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In my earlier post today, I mentioned that I still have an issue with TrainTech 2-aspect signals, when they are operated by programs. I have all my TrainTech signals set up with a Startup position. In the case of the two-aspect signals. they are all set to Red.

I have a program which I used to use to initialise the signals before I started to set them at Startup. This program sends a Signal Stop command to each of my 2-aspect signals, as well as a mixture of R, Y, YY, G to my seven 4-aspect signals.

What I find is that having started up RM and had RM set all of the 2-aspects to Red, if I then run the Initialise program, all of the 2-aspects change to Green. If I run the program again, it changes them all back to Red. In other words, the Signal Stop command sent from a program causes the 2-aspect to "toggle" whichever aspect it was showing to the other aspect. Not only that, but the icons on the Mimic change to the OPPOSITE colour of the actual signals.

Do you have any two-aspects which you could try from a program to see if you get this effect also?


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Hello Ray


I do have some two aspect and will test these, it may be tonight, it may have to be tomorrow.


When I purchased my signals I planned the layout as follows.

4 aspect signals - outer oval - express line

3 aspect signals - inner oval - slower line and loop line

2 aspect signals - to/from sidings 


The good think with RM and signalling, providing all signals are installed, or fixed, to the left of the track you can test any number, in any position.  I don't know what system you use Ray but I tend to create a new test plan and position them on a test layout. An example would be 4 signals in sidings on a test layout as an oval, so long as they are planned in sequence for the eye any signal anywhere on the layout can be tested this way.


I will come back to you on this. My first thoughts were I wonder if it is because Train-Tech signals remember what aspect they were last set but, if your program says set signal x,y,z to red they should be red and when you change them they should be green. 


I have stopped setting points when I load RM, I now set a program, train x running from A to B, start program set initial points on the route, then set signals before guards whistle, first green light and setting off. This way I am certain everything is correct 'for this journey' before setting off. I have also started working on smaller programs, train x going from A to B but not the full journey, it may be from station in sidings to a red signal near a branch in the line. Splitting journeys in to segments, I don't know, I am testing so many things but, at present, it seems to me it could help with Loco Detection. (timing to a Red signal, new program timings to next possible Red signal etc.)



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In my earlier post today, I mentioned that I still have an issue with TrainTech 2-aspect signals, when they are operated by programs. I have all my TrainTech signals set up with a Startup position. In the case of the two-aspect signals. they are all set to Red.

I have a program which I used to use to initialise the signals before I started to set them at Startup. This program sends a Signal Stop command to each of my 2-aspect signals, as well as a mixture of R, Y, YY, G to my seven 4-aspect signals.

What I find is that having started up RM and had RM set all of the 2-aspects to Red, if I then run the Initialise program, all of the 2-aspects change to Green. If I run the program again, it changes them all back to Red. In other words, the Signal Stop command sent from a program causes the 2-aspect to "toggle" whichever aspect it was showing to the other aspect. Not only that, but the icons on the Mimic change to the OPPOSITE colour of the actual signals.

Do you have any two-aspects which you could try from a program to see if you get this effect also?



Hello Ray


The Train-Tech signals open as they were last set when RilaMaster closed. so when you open RailMaster your signals was as they were last time.


You say you run a program to initialise the signals, am I right, what you are saying is... RM loads (take from a new start up) signls are red or green and when you run your initialise program it changes them to switch to the opposite colour even if they were Red and your program to set them want them Red, or Green and your program to set them want them Green?  I just want to be clear before I start, which will probably be in the morning.


I don't like the sound that the Mimic plan is reverse, or we should possibly be saying your mimic plan says Red and your signal Green as commands to each come from RM. Please confirm is this after a new start of RM. 


I am assuming you have set the signals before closing and restarting RM to what you want them to be on start up. Then run the set signal program.  

Have you set all aspects so they are the same as you request in your initialisation program. Have you set them so they are the reverse of what you request in your initialisation program.


I need to see things as you are Ray, why do you want an initialisation program to set signals when RM can set them at start up? Or are they as I was discussing earlier a journey initialisation program (mine included the train but I have done just points and signals as you are suggesting).



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Hi PJ,

Firstly, I know that TrainTech signals retain their aspect settings, not only between RM sessions, but also between power off and power on.

Secondly, I used to use an Initialise program to reset all of the signals, but then I configured each signal with a Startup position, and allowed RM to set them (as it can do with points) on startup of RM.

Third, I noticed a couple of weeks ago this "toggling" of aspects when Stop commands are sent to a signal by a program.

Fourth, to demonstrate this "feature" I re-employed my Initialise program.


I run RM and it sets all of my 2-aspect signals to Red.

I run the Initialise program and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Green.

I run the Initialise program again and it sets them all to Red.

etc etc

even though the Initialise program is trying to set them to Red every time.


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