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Problems Programming Locos


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Hi All

I am hoping somebody would be able to help me. I have the Hornby Elite Controller, which is linked to my Hornby Select controller using the link cable.

I have recently added a seperate programming track which is wired into the programming ports of the Elite, However it will not program any loco's. Every time I do the programming the red ligh flashing more than the 5 - 6 times and then nothing happens. It almost flashes about 9 / 10 times.

I have a Hornby points decoder connected to the track ( Not sure if this makes any difference)

I have tried the following but still no luck

- Removde the track wires into the Eleite and the link cable (so only having the progamming wires In)

- Tried Programming the logo on the main track , not using the programming track

The strange thing is the locos that have been previously programmed are all working 100% along with the points motors which are being operated using a points decoder

I would really appreciate if anybody has any suggestions tips for me

Thank you


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Hi Ray

The Hornby Points decoder is connected to the main track and Not the programming track. If That makes sense

So to test what I have done is disconnect everything on the Elite , and only plugged the power cable in and the programming track. Yet it still gives me the same problem


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Hi Ray

Sorry I am still a bit of an amateur and I dont really understand what you mean about reading and loco CV's Sorry could you explain what this means.

I have soldered the wires onto the programming track, not sure if this could be the problem !

Thanks for your help, really appreciate your time



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Hi Ray

Ok here we go.

I currently have 4 Loco's,

Loco 1 - Has been programed to Number 1 on the Elite

Loco 2 - Has been programed to Number 2 on the Elite

Loco 3 - Has been programed to Number 3 on the Elite

Loco 4 - Has been programed to Number 4 On The Elite

All have been working perfectly for a long time and are still working perfectly, Now I wanted to add a new Loco and program to Number 5. And this is where I have been having problems. This Specific loco has been working on another addresss previously so I know its not a loco problem.

I have tried re-programing one of my exisiting locos ( i.e Loco Number 1) to another address no 7, yet still gives me the same problem. So it wont even allow me to re-encoe one of my exisiitng locos to another address number

I am programming as below

Click Menu, click loco, click Direct, Click Address, click Write Address, then key in Number 5 and click to confrim

Hope this is enough info


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Do you have an Elite manual ? If not, it can be downloaded from:-


On page 37, there is a section headed "Reading CV's on Programming Track. If you place your loco on the programming track, then go through steps 1-7. At step 8 the instruction tells the Elite to read CV3, but if you miss out this step, and skip to step 9, it will attempt to read CV1, which is where the address of the loco is held. If this fails, try one of your other locos. If this fails too, then there is something wrong with the physical setup. Re-check the wiring to the programming track from the Elite programming port, and make sure the rails of the programming track are spotlessly clean, as with the loco wheels and pickups. If you have a multimeter and you are familiar with its use, it may be worthwhile checking to see if there is any current in the programming track.


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I had an Elite which failed with no output to the Prog terminals. All the lights flashed but on checking with a meter there was no signal going out of the Prog terminals. Main track output was OK.

So if you are having problems with the Prog output try removing all your locos from the main track, except the one you want to program and try programming in Operate Mode, although without re-reading the manual I'm not sure if you can change an address on the main or just various CVs associated with a known loco address.

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It is not a good idea to choose to programme a loco as 03, because all new dcc locos ( and chips) are programmed 03.

It is possible your Elite is trying to programme two different locos at the same time - the original no 3, and the new one, which is also 3 - result, it get confused, and throws it's little electronic hands into the air!

Try taking the old no 3 completely off  any track, and then re-programming the new 3.

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Silly things to ask perhaps, Peter, but is your programming track totally isolated and separate from the main track, and have you disconnected the Select when attempting to program locos? Are any wire connections fitted too far into your Elite's programming clips, or perhaps not even making proper contact?

Ideally, as well, of course, if you can find an answer, it's always advisable not to leave a loco on ID 3 as that is the number all new DCC locos are set up on by the manufacturers, and you can have some confusion then with more than one loco running on that number.

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I've got my Elite manual now - page 10 shows -

(connect Elite to programming track - put loco to be programmed onto programming track)

Press menu button - screen shows loco

press control 1- screen shows direct

press control 1 - screen shows address

press control 1 - screen shows address write

press control 1 - screen shows ADR 0003 (or whatever the loco is programmed to)

Rotate control 1 to desired number  (or use keypad - but that's not in the book!)

press control 1 - red light flashes five times  (not on mine - it flashes five times pauses, and flashes five times, accompanied with lots of clicking noises!) Screen shows new number - after the light stops flashing, the screen shows Address

The loco is now re-addressed

to operate the loco press Menu - screen shows time (random) and the new loco number.

Place the loco on the main track, and control as described (on p9)



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All, I think the advice here may be going a tad round in circles and off the programming rails here. 

If you look back at Peter's last post, he describes trying to program an ID exactly as 2e0 then suggests he do, so I think he has this aspect correct. If you look at Ray's advice around that last post, Ray was trying to make sure his programming track output is working by reading CVs and gave the manual reference to see how to do this. RAF then followed up down the same track and Graskie also suggesting to check connections. Ray had also eliminated an incorrect analog power track/clip by discovering Peter has soldered direct to the track. 

To summarise, Peter seems to know how to program but it isn't working. Subject to the checks that have been suggested finding something amiss, it seems very much like the programming output of his Elite has failed. At least that is my conclusion. 

Peter, do those checks and try to read CVs as mentioned and, if no joy, contact HCC about repairs. If less than 12 months old, this will be under warranty. Programming output failure is not unknown on Elites, as RAF has shown. 

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Problem Solved :) Happy Days

Ok I am not 100% sure what the actual problem was in the end but just so you all know I did the following

(1) Re-soldered the Programming Wires onto the track

(2) Made sure the wire's were being connected properly into the back of the Elite and making contact.

(3) Removed the Track Wires before Programming the Elite

(3) Then I went ahead and programmed a logo (Not Using No 3)

As Per 2e0dtoeric Comment below - Mine Did the same

red light flashes five times  (not on mine - it flashes five times pauses, and flashes five times, accompanied with lots of clicking noises!)

And After all that it worked perfectly :)

Thank you very much to all of you for your help, Its GREATLY Appreciated.

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Glad you got it sorted Peter

The clicking is just a relay in the Elite that switches processed +/- outputs between the Prog and Boost terminals. If you have 2 meters you can watch the switchover as it happens.

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