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A second eLink - 1 amp or 4amp?

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I am wondering whether to get a second eLink?


One for the layout and DCC Bus.


The other for the signals, points and decoders.


I have a 4 amp transformer on the layout now.


Would a 1 amp transformer be sufficent for the signals, points and decoders? (Separate DCC Bus).


I have programmed in RM, 36 signals, 4,3 and 2 aspect, 7 with feathers. I know they only send small packets of information to RM but one signal can be sending data for 10, as one changes and others do down the line (bearing in mind two way running).


There are also 18 point motors.


I have lighting but that is on a separate lighting bus with its own transformer.



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I use the Power Booster (taking a feed from the Track outputs on the eLink) for points etc, leaving the eLink to supply the track. At first I swapped the PB 4amp with the eLink 1amp but it suddenly (without any configuration changes), stopped working. HRMS advised swapping the transformers back again - I did and it worked again. Soon I will buy a 4 amp supply for the eLink.
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I started to wonder if it was necessary due to all those items and more and more trains with sound.





If it ain't broke .........



It ain't broke ;o)


I was just considering load.


Trains with sound and lights.


Points and signals. I don't know the mathmatics and signals probably use less than ponts or trains but, 4 aspect signals changing 5 times in a loop clockwise and allowing for changes anti-clockwise (two way track). Plus junctions, so changing signals to stop trains coming from one loop to another when one is in zones near a branch. Along with these signal changes points will also change on route and this is just one train, not two, three or four running at once.


So load is one aspect of thought and there may be enough but, getting a signal back quickly, without any dealys, has to be anoter consideration. Hence my thoughts of a second eLink.



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I use the Power Booster (taking a feed from the Track outputs on the eLink) for points etc, leaving the eLink to supply the track. At first I swapped the PB 4amp with the eLink 1amp but it suddenly (without any configuration changes), stopped working. HRMS advised swapping the transformers back again - I did and it worked again. Soon I will buy a 4 amp supply for the eLink.


Interesting with a Power Booster MetmanUK but, they are more costly than another eLink?


But not as costly as another eLink and 4amp tranformer! Ermmm


I do think some of these items are excessively priced. £38 for a 4 amp transformer! eLink not sold on its own, only sold with another software!



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I use the Power Booster (taking a feed from the Track outputs on the eLink) for points etc, leaving the eLink to supply the track. At first I swapped the PB 4amp with the eLink 1amp but it suddenly (without any configuration changes), stopped working. HRMS advised swapping the transformers back again - I did and it worked again. Soon I will buy a 4 amp supply for the eLink.



Interesting with a Power Booster MetmanUK but, they are more costly than another eLink?


But not as costly as another eLink and 4amp tranformer! Ermmm


I do think some of these items are excessively priced. £38 for a 4 amp transformer! eLink not sold on its own, only sold with another software!




One does not have to buy the Hornby 4 amp transformer. ANY equivalent transformer with the same voltage, ampage and connector will do if it is double insulated... which most are! The ONLY other thing to watch for is the polarity of the central pin on the connector... it should be POSITIVE.

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Interesting with a Power Booster MetmanUK but, they are more costly than another eLink?


But not as costly as another eLink and 4amp tranformer! Ermmm


I do think some of these items are excessively priced. £38 for a 4 amp transformer! eLink not sold on its own, only sold with another software!





One does not have to buy the Hornby 4 amp transformer. ANY equivalent transformer with the same voltage, ampage and connector will do if it is double insulated... which most are! The ONLY other thing to watch for is the polarity of the central pin on the connector... it should be POSITIVE.

Thanks for that AC. However, I recently purchased a low priced transformer for my LAN hub but now I'm worried that its one of those dodgy imports that will burst into flames at any time! So, how do I ensure that the transformer I buy is going to give me a warm feeling - but not because it overheats ?

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If, say you use ebay, you will check the sellers details and address. If there is anything that sounds far eastern for example or with Chinese characters in that area of detail then avoid them. Also avoid cheap deals as RDS says.


Make sure the mains lead comes with it as one of the tricks is to send without it so they can send to anywhere that uses a 240v supply.


Use a British supplier and if the unit is anything like £12-£13 or below then I generally avoid them. I repair laptops as part of a business I run from home and often have this issue but common sense usually tells you which ones to avoid.


One last point... measure the connection on the 1amp supply you have and make sure you get a charger with the same diameter connector... it should be about 6mm if I remember correctly and no more than a fraction larger... like 6.1 or 6.2mm at most.


Of course, you could buy a multi adaptor running at 4amps with all the different plug sizes as one will fit... but you have to keep the voltage correct as these are adjustable.

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Transformers are so common now a days, there is no need for excessive prices.


Hornby supply the eLink with a 1amp transformer, knowing most people will need a 4amp one. They may argue they charge more for the 4amp as the elink and 1amp plus software is marketed at a lower price to attrat customers making the system more affordable. So they make a larger profit on the 4amp to pull back part of the margin they lost on the initial system.


Another arguement may be, they can charge what they want as lots of people will pay the price to get the right one, one recommended by Hornby.


I fall in this category! Recently I installed lighting to my layout, I did so as a separate system using Kytes lights. There prices are good, the items are quality, the service and help first class. I cringed paying £25 for a transformer from them but, purchased it because I knew it was recommended by them. Hornby's is £38.


In short, companies can charge more for these items because many of us have no, or little knowledge which is right for the system.


(I will not be about much until after the weekend, I have at last had my layout up ended and am wiring in lights, CR Signals 3 aspect and feather signals, shunt/sidings signals plus decoders and a few other under the layout jobs)



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Busy times ahead PJ so good luck with that. I have all that to come to as I get ready to initiate my plans (which are still incomplete but workable). Track will not be laid permanently just yet until I am happy with how it works.


The prices laptop manufacturers charge for their named units (like HP or Dell) are rediculously high and folk pay for them. Daft but true. As long as the plug fits, has the correct polarity, is correct for voltage and ampage and lastly is double insulated it could be made by anyone... as long as yo don't buy the cheap imports. The soldering and wire strength inside is weak hence these units catching fire or exploding.

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PJ, I wouldn't be rushing to duplicate my bus to run a 2nd eLink until I knew it was really necessary.


Thinking about loadings for a start, signal loads will be low with minimal additional current to switch them. Points only draw current while CDUs are recharging at the rate of around 100mA for a couple of seconds, so only cumulative if they are fired in rapid succession. That won't be more than 2-3 at once.


So again, try it and see. Remember too that HRMS advises they run a large test layout on 1 amp.


If if this ends up here twice with minor variation, the first one hit the profanity filter so I've tried again.

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Hi all


Thanks everyone for all your comments they have been very helpful (and saved me a few bob)


I wonder if I can manage another TTS before Christmas?





We're here to help PJ... by the way... which Christmas?


That is what my wife always says. ;o)


I sold my Majestic Class 47 Co-Co diesel and a few bits and am going to get the Class 47 TTS sound which is due very soon

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Hi all


Thanks everyone for all your comments they have been very helpful (and saved me a few bob)


I wonder if I can manage another TTS before Christmas?






We're here to help PJ... by the way... which Christmas?



That is what my wife always says. ;o)


I sold my Majestic Class 47 Co-Co diesel and a few bits and am going to get the Class 47 TTS sound which is due very soon


Could you buy two and post the excess one to myself please? I would like this one very much... ta!! :-)


It could end up on my own Xmas list me thinks and if SWMBO reads it I might be in luck...! :-) Well, it's due out for Dec 15th I think but chickens never get counted do they?

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Hi all


Thanks everyone for all your comments they have been very helpful (and saved me a few bob)


I wonder if I can manage another TTS before Christmas?







We're here to help PJ... by the way... which Christmas?




That is what my wife always says. ;o)


I sold my Majestic Class 47 Co-Co diesel and a few bits and am going to get the Class 47 TTS sound which is due very soon



Could you buy two and post the excess one to myself please? I would like this one very much... ta!! :-)


It could end up on my own Xmas list me thinks and if SWMBO reads it I might be in luck...! :-) Well, it's due out for Dec 15th I think but chickens never get counted do they?

I am sure it said available before Christmas. Now it says, 28/03/2015


I will just after dream on... Class 47, Loco detection, etc ;o}



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I have just PRE-ORDERED it. £76.49 for a train with sound is fantastic. (10% discount applied)


And they don't take payment until it comes in to stock


Pre-Orders help companies better judge how many of an item to make/purchase. ;o)


I think I will add this in another forum. Some may think they take payment now, they don't take payment until items arrive.



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I have just PRE-ORDERED it. £76.49 for a train with sound is fantastic. (10% discount applied)


And they don't take payment until it comes in to stock


Pre-Orders help companies better judge how many of an item to make/purchase. ;o)


I think I will add this in another forum. Some may think they take payment now, they don't take payment until items arrive.




So mine is on its way? Thanks mate... looking forward to it... :-)


Seriously, I am looking forward to getting this one even though it is not super detail. I hadn't realised the date had been put back on this model! Oh well... a short wait won't hurt... as long as my nails grow fast enough... :-)


With pre-orders a company is technically not allowed to take payment until they know they have stock they can honour your contract with. If that stock does not arrive they must reimburse if they have taken money of course but it should only be taken when they have stock to send you otherwise anyone could just sell thin air!

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