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Railmaster activation code on resale


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Due to illness I have had to sell all my rail staock & layout including Railmaster

Can any tell me is the activation code transferable and what action do I have to take to do this

As a last note can I than all those who have helped me in the past 2or 3 years I have learnt quite alot and could not have acheived some of the tasks if it was`nt for all your assistance

Many thanx again & all of you have a great Xmas & New Year

Don R (big Don)

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The RailMaster licence is not transferable. This is mentioned in the guide, when installing and again activating.


A problem arises here HRMS.. I know what you are saying but a question comes to mind here...


How would you know if he sells the program whether or not it has been transferred? If I install it on one PC and deactivate and then place it on another you don't know it hasn't been transferred apart from when the customer fills in their registration details. The new owner may copy those details for their own purposes. Surely some leeway can be given here? It's not as if someone is conning you out of any money etc. The guy just wants to sell up because of ill health. Even if he gives it away there could be a little give and take.


Just my two penneth worth and yes I do know about laws of copyright etc... worked with these sometimes daft rules for years! Still, it's your software and you can dictate. Please don't slap my hands over this point of view :-)

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