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Hi guys I'm mitsi and I'm a great modeleer,I've been making models now since I was 15, then discovered model railways, and I've become rather obsessed with the hobby I'm 50 now and have a bit more time on my hands,and what a marvellous way to kill it,I'm on my second layout now which is dcc, I have a lenz compact 100, controller and my wife, has ordered me, the hornby tornadoes pullman and I'd like to know which decoder to fit onto it, the set is dcc ready so I've just got to plug it in


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Thankyou so much bud, I was searing the net yesterday and the r8245, compared to other decoders are quite expensive, there is one called tcc or something like that which I think is made from digit rains but on this forum there are quite mixed reviews on them and with a big fleet to convert I need somewhere recommended, is there a shop that most modellers go to to get there decodens my railway club friend is into American so he gets all his from America any help on where to get good decoders cheap would b a great help



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I've just realised u cannot talk about other makes sorry

ok I've ordered the dcc ready pendolino yet to arrive the net says r8245 in the power car and r8249 in the dummy can I use an r8249 in the power car instead of r8245 just wondered only it's half the price



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Oh ok it's just that I'm getting the tornadoes pullman tomorrow and was advised due to the cost of the r8245 I could run it on the 249 so I assumed I could do the same with the pendolino so ill have to order both 8245 and 8249 then ok thanks mate

by the way is there a place on this site where members sell unwanted items or swap stuff 


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Thanks mate I put the 8249 in the tornadoe and despite adjusting the cv for speed notches it takes ages to get moving and takes even longer to stop i tried 1.4,2.8, and 12.8 and it's still the same, my next try would be the braking on cv 4 any ideas why this is happening I'm hoping it's something simple, I bought a 55 deltic with built in 8249 and that's fine 

thanks again


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Speed steps don't have anything to do with acceleration. They're more like gear changes in a car.

You need to adjust CV3 Acceleration Rate and CV4 Deceleration Rate as described in the instructions that came with the R8249.

Not knowing how fast the Tornado is actually accel/decelerating I would have thought it had come preset with those values as prototypical but that I guess that is why the CVs are changeable so that you can optimise your loco for your layout.

It would be rather useless, for example, to have a sound loco on a layout that before it reached the speed for great chuffing (very tecnical I am - not) you had to brake for a station :)

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The speed steps are 14, 28 and 128 without the decimal points. The first DCC decoders were quite crude and only had 14 speed steps, so that the acceleration was jerky as the loco 'changed gears'.

These speed steps have nothing at all to do with how fast a loco accelerates or decellerates.

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I see so I have to do cv3 and 4 ok, thanks I'm really useless at technical stuff but it's a great challenge I'm studying the lenz handbook but I find the symbols really confusing there different to what the decoder instructions use and it's throwing me a bit ok ill try that and c what happens thanks a lot for your help

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