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Loco I.D. problem


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Hi , I tried a  Black 5 ( Loco I.D : 007 ) today ,for the first time in approx, 6 months, and the loco would no run , but the sounds were ok. I tried re-addressing it ( 007 ) with no success. Then re-addressed to I.D. 003 and all ok.  So I then tried to to put it back to  I.D. 007 . but  It,s  back to the sound only situation. Can anyone tell me how to sort this out please. P.S : The same symptoms for both Elite and RM .

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I've had that sort of trouble with a loco on my Elite/RM combination. I reset the Elite and it cleared things. I was worrying a bit about losing full loco numbers, names etc on the Elite but realised in the end that I had reset virtually all my locos to a 4 digit ID more recently anyway, easily identified from the loco numbers themselves, and that it didn't really matter. I can rest assured now that, if I have to do it again, I won't have lost anything.


It can be well worth trying.

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I thought an elite reset lost your favourites list and any namings of locos or accessories.


Yes, it certainly loses any loco names and I've never used the favourites facility on my Elite anyway, despite having loads of locos. If it takes an Elite reset, then it does, and I've never bothered to set up that sort of data again, not missing it at all, as I said. You could still put such things in again if you wanted to, but I've overcome the need for those facilities and realise it is no real loss. At least things remain unchanged on RM.

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Hi gents, yes, reset sorted it out . and has not affected anything else , RM , point settings etc.  I don,t have a favourites list . No need,  it,s all there in front of me on RM screen.  It strikes me that I had to reset  Elite after a loco derailment  on points  once before  and the symptoms were similar, mind you , you could strike me with an 8ft fence post  and nothing would get through.  Better get on with layout alterations . Wishing all A Very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.   ( You will be Ok on the prosperity bit Graskie ) Thanks again,    Hugh.

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Here is a strange co-incidence...

Yesterday, my Christmas present from my wife arrived - a Hornby Brittania 70040 Clive of India, complete with Loksound. Having installed it on Railmaster and got it going well, I decided to copy some existing RM programs (featuring A1 Sea Eagle also with Loksound), changing the loco in the programs to the new loco. However, before I started to do that I decided to tidy up the existing programs for Sea Eagle, and it was when I was testing these out for the A1 that suddenly for no apparent reason, that loco had its directions swapped around, both from control via programs and by the RM throttle control. No other locos were effected. After a half an hour of fiddling around, including a reload of RM, I decided to reset the Elite, and lo and behold, the loco operated correctly again.

On other occasions, I have had a couple of points (at different times) stop working. Nothing wrong with the wiring. But a reset of the Elite fixed it.


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