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R8247 Accessory Decoder


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I am having a problem with one of four R8247's which is losing it's setup on power up with RM. Initially, after a layout short, due to an incorrect turnout (point) setting, has required me to get under the layout and "reprogramme" the decoder. Other than the nuisance factor this has usually sorted the problem out. Today, I experienced another short, same problem of bad track management, but my excuse is that I am still in the development stage!! However, after several attempts of reprogramming the decoder I find that it does not appear to want to retain that setup.

I would be grateful for any views or advice.

PS. Some background; I am running RM Pro at V1.58, but do my "programming" on a Hornby rolling road with an Elite (Firmware Version 1.4ish). Obviously, I do not connect the decoder with the rolling road, but I do it offline and seperate it from the running layout.

Any ideas from the forum or HRMS which may help me prove the viability of the decoder or not would be a great help. Biggest concern to me is that it would appear that this decoder is about as scarce as Hen's Teeth and I may have to purchase an alternative manufactures piece of kit to enable me to be up and running for Christmas.

I hope you can help and I am sure you will also note that this forum doesnot have a spell checker.

Happy Christmas to all and many thanks to HRMS for the excellent support.

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The problem with a short on DCC is that you can get a large voltage spike when it recovers and this removed by the suppressor. 


I thought the 8247 was back in stock?  I would be returning under warranty if it is really not working as it should. 


If if you really need to buy something else, there are lots out there as good or even better then the 8247 and certainly simpler to program. If you do a forum search for accessory decoder, you'll find heaps about these. 

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It was out of stock for a good 12 months so there would have been a backlog of demand. Trust it's not because the faults are still there. 


Irrespective, there are plenty of alternatives. Just do a search on the forum on accessory decoder and it should tell you about many of them. 


Suggest you you don't use the Switchpilot. It is very capable, but capable to the point of being difficult to program. 

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I had the same trouble until I installed a DCC Bus Suppressor/Terminator. You can look at them here:-


Protects your R8247's from short circuits within the DCC.


I have just ordered a couple of these Bus Suppressors. I assume they are fitted across pos and neg on the power bus, or should they be fitted at the end of each bus. I have installed two buses, one down the left hand side of the layout and the second down the right hand side.

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DCC power Bus Filters (sometimes called incorrectly Bus Terminator Filters) are installed across the two DCC bus wires at their very ends. So a DCC two wire bus would have two sets of filters installed.

You can obtain them ready made of make them yourself for less than £1. Details of the two components needed and how to make them are on this web site... http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC.html#On

They help remove any spikes appearing on the DCC bus pair of wires which are caused typically by a short circuit occurring and the switching of the DCC system on/off. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,

Happy New Year. Just received an Hornby R3285TTS Gadwall from the UK this afternoon. Worked perfectly out of the box. Simple to setup in Railmaster, looks great for the price. Hope Gandson likes the sound. That's not the issue.

Will have to investigate bus filter as described in previous posts. I only have one Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoder on my layout. After experiencing a short running the new loco, I found that I could not switch any points, within Railmaster, connected to this decoder. The other 6  points connected to other brands of accessory decoder worked fine.

Attempting to fix, I connected the R8247 to the programming output of my eLink.  I tried to read the settings of the decoder but Railmaster indicated no device connected. Walked away for a while, retried process using my Elite controller and Railmaster, same result. Googled reseting R8247. Found suggestion that setting value of 8 to CV8 of R8247 would reset it to factory settings. Used Elite to write these values to the R8247 and the R8247 started functioning as normal. Good ending.

Has anyone else experienced an R8247 becoming comotose like this? I did a quick search of the forum to see if I was covering old ground, but couldn't find anything (Others may set me straight.). A bus filter may help?



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Re the Gadwell. My wife's arrived today and I am mightily impressed about its slow running capability straight out of the box. Had to post it to General Discussion -> Latest Aquisition [sic]

Slow running took me by surprise. Started loco by pressing shunting button, nothing seemed to happen, then all of a sudden it started to accelerate. Happy so far.

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Re the Gadwell. My wife's arrived today and I am mightily impressed about its slow running capability straight out of the box. Had to post it to General Discussion -> Latest Aquisition [sic]

Slow running took me by surprise. Started loco by pressing shunting button, nothing seemed to happen, then all of a sudden it started to accelerate. Happy so far.

Yes cg that would be the inertia setting and why I was caught by surprise that it was moving down the track while testing sounds :)


Back on thread I will probably invest in DCC Concepts product to support Aussie supplier when I do the big(ger) layout and will definitely do bus termination/suppression thingy.

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