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Majestic with elink


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Richard, welcome to the forums.  Go to the RM forum and work your way through the Railmaster: Setting up and Getting Started thread at the top and see how you go.


And just for your reassurance, it should make absolutely no difference whether it is on a 32 or 64 bit Windows computer.


Have read the start up forum, everything loos good, can read CV's and I think I changed the loco ID, but still that loco just sits there and persisits in doing nothing !!!


Have logged a plea for help to the railmaster support mob


One good thing I suppose, I haven't watched TV for four days now

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Richard, hi, have same set, been there, done it. Nothing to do with computer knowledge, just follow this sequence.Turn on elink, plug in usb lead. Wait a few seconds. Next turn on computer, wait until all  lights go out, allow hard drive etc to find elink etc, and for it to stop flashing. At that point, click on Railmaster, icon, and  9 out of 10 times, this will  work, and connect. Does it. If so, you need to follow this proceedure religiously, every time, and you shold be a happy bunny. Others will tell you different things, but this works with majestic. try it. john

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Thanks for the suggestion John, basicly have tried all that and have doggedly followed that procedure, when railmaster is running I can see the controller is active and the start up handshake all looks perfectly normal, but that loco is still there and not responding to my commands, anyway bedtime now I'll try again tomorrow night after work

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Hi Murph, welcome to the forums and the hobby. 


Let me start by assuring you that your set is unlikely to be faulty and, between us and possibly Railmaster Support (known as RM Support or HRMS), we can get you up and running.  And let me tell you one thing about your locos at present before we go back to the software - both are on the default address of 003 so you can only run one at a time until you change the ID of one and desirably both.


So now let me ask you a few questions, and you will need to ensure the answer to each is yes before proceeding:


- are you connected to the Internet on your PC?

- did you install RM as administrator?  You can check by right clicking on the desktop icon for it, selecting Properties, then Compatibility tab at the top of the box, and make sure the Run as Administrator box is ticked.

- on starting RM, has it asked you to update to the latest v1.59 and have you allowed it to do so?  Don't need to worry about the Administrator warning as once set it stays that way when you update.

- have you made sure everything is connected firmly - eLink to PC by USB and by power wire to the track?  If you haven't, you should make sure you do and restart RM before proceeding.

- have you installed the RM not Windows driver for the software?  Have you set it to a com port number below 5 and made sure it is the same number in Device Manager as in the RM Setup window?

- have you made sure RM is listed as an exception in your antivirus program?  There is a PDF guide on your desktop that will tell you how to do that. 

- have you entered your licence key and activated the software?  Failure to activate will 99.9% be due to antivirus software blocking you, so go back to my previous question.



Now once you have answered all of those yes, you can put one loco on the track with ID 003, call it up in your loco list of the two locos, and it should run using the RM throttle.  If it does, you are now up to going into the Loco Setup window and following the manual instructions on changing its ID to something else.  Once done, you can add the second loco and you should change it too so when you buy your next loco, you can start it on 003 before changing it too.


So how did you go?  Are you up and running?  If not, get back and let us know what didn't work.

When you say "have you installed the RM not Windows driver for the software" does that apply to all versions of windows or just those sub 7?? my understanding was that for 7 up you should use the generic usb driver instead of the Hornby one.


Regards Richard

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Friends of Majestic, Murphy, Graskie, thank You for the thread and asking realavent questions. Thank You fishmanoz for fast replay and answers, within an hour on sunday nigth. I now got my locos new ID and running even Gadwell tts, Great fun. Being a swede terminology could have been a course for my problems. IT WILL WORK. Try,try,and try again. I shall now add DCC installer to Cv.

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Hi Mecken, glad you got it going.


Just on terminology, could you explain with different words what you mean by "add DCC installer to CV"?

He means he's going to add his experience as a DCC installer to his curriculum vitae (CV) also called a Résumé

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