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How to combine signals and points under the pro pack

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If you have a look at this thread, where there are examples of "points controling other points".


You need to be in the Layout Designer, and right click on a point or signal to display the configuration boxes shown.


Hi Ray 

I 'am looking for signals contolling points in pro pack not points controlling points



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What I need is a run though on how this all works I have read and reread the pages in the manual but I can't get my head around how you setup a singnal to change a certain point if anyone has the time to give me a step by step guide to say 2 aspect home showing red and the points in front are against the traffic when the red changes to green said points change to allow movement.

so if someone has the time time to show me how to setup something basic like this i would worship the ground they walk on or something like that.

Best regards


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What I need is a run though on how this all works I have read and reread the pages in the manual but I can't get my head around how you setup a singnal to change a certain point if anyone has the time to give me a step by step guide to say 2 aspect home showing red and the points in front are against the traffic when the red changes to green said points change to allow movement.

so if someone has the time time to show me how to setup something basic like this i would worship the ground they walk on or something like that.

Best regards



Are you sure you want to do it this way around? Would it not be better for the signal to reflect which way the points are set, rather than the signal aspect determining which way to set the points?

Tomorrow morning I will try to create a track diagram showing both methods and post it on this thread. Hopefully, someone in Admin will be available to vet the image.


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Hi Mcrook62,

Below is a diagram showing a point with two signals protecting it.


In the "Point Settings" box at the top of the screen,the table on the right shows how the signals will react when the points are changed. The left column shows the point settings, green for right and red for left. The column on the right shows the settings the signals will take, green for clear, red for stop. So, when the point is switched right (green), signal 1 will show clear and signal 2 will show stop. When the point is switched left (red), signal 1 will show stop and signal 2 will show clear.

The configuration of each of the signals is carried out in a similar way - I won't explain in detail as I'm sure you will be able to work it out. The only difference is that each signal will operate the opposite signal and the point.

I hope this helps.


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Good explanation Ray. There should be more examples like this in the manual. Perhaps we could ask Admin for a "sticky" to save these (including the one you did for my crossover question).


Good morning Tee


Right click any image and save it to your disc.


You can enlarge it to see the image clearer (if you know how to do it and keep it looking clear)


If  you haven't got suitable graphics software, insert the file into a Word document and drag it out to enlarge it, Word helps maintain the clear prospective of the image.



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Good morning to you Pea (I did reply once to you using a P and 2 Es but the forum thought police took my post away and has never been seen since!)


My remark above was not just for myself but to act as a repository for new questions from new subscribers which will undoubtfully arrive in due time.


Nice day here BTW

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Hi Mcrook62,

Below is a diagram showing a point with two signals protecting it.


In the "Point Settings" box at the top of the screen,the table on the right shows how the signals will react when the points are changed. The left column shows the point settings, green for right and red for left. The column on the right shows the settings the signals will take, green for clear, red for stop. So, when the point is switched right (green), signal 1 will show clear and signal 2 will show stop. When the point is switched left (red), signal 1 will show stop and signal 2 will show clear.

The configuration of each of the signals is carried out in a similar way - I won't explain in detail as I'm sure you will be able to work it out. The only difference is that each signal will operate the opposite signal and the point.

I hope this helps.



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Hi Mcrook62,

Below is a diagram showing a point with two signals protecting it.


In the "Point Settings" box at the top of the screen,the table on the right shows how the signals will react when the points are changed. The left column shows the point settings, green for right and red for left. The column on the right shows the settings the signals will take, green for clear, red for stop. So, when the point is switched right (green), signal 1 will show clear and signal 2 will show stop. When the point is switched left (red), signal 1 will show stop and signal 2 will show clear.

The configuration of each of the signals is carried out in a similar way - I won't explain in detail as I'm sure you will be able to work it out. The only difference is that each signal will operate the opposite signal and the point.

I hope this helps.



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Hi Mcrook62,

Below is a diagram showing a point with two signals protecting it.


In the "Point Settings" box at the top of the screen,the table on the right shows how the signals will react when the points are changed. The left column shows the point settings, green for right and red for left. The column on the right shows the settings the signals will take, green for clear, red for stop. So, when the point is switched right (green), signal 1 will show clear and signal 2 will show stop. When the point is switched left (red), signal 1 will show stop and signal 2 will show clear.

The configuration of each of the signals is carried out in a similar way - I won't explain in detail as I'm sure you will be able to work it out. The only difference is that each signal will operate the opposite signal and the point.

I hope this helps.


Hi Ray

Tried this on 2 signals and one set of points in roughly same set up put got different actions when signal 1 was at green points changed for that road when signal 1 was red points changed to the other road all well and good but when signal 2 change to green points changed back to signal 1's road so signal 2 's road had the signal against them then when signal 2 change to red no action at all. I blew up your drawing and juust changed the pint number and signal numbers to the actual signals and point on my layout I would love to get this working as it will save when operating changing points and then signals seperately .

I will persevere now I can see roughly how it's supposed to work I think the few hairs i have left have just fallen out

oh dear have to get a wig now.

Best regards for your great help in showing the way the manual tells you but don't show you which is very inportant.


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Hi Ray

Thank you for the plan on how it should work, I followed the plan useing 1 set of points covered by 2 signals

on my layout I printed of your diagram and swap your numbers for the numbers that mine are, the only problem I had was signal 1 when green it change the points to the correct road and when red the points change to the other road but when signal 2 switched to green it change the road to signal 1's road and when switched back to red nothing happen? so for some reason signal 2 when switched to green it fire off the points points to change againts that road instead of doing nothing as signal 1 had already set the road when switching to red.

The manual don't show you how to do this your little diagram has given me part understanding how it should work so I can tinker about until i get it right. So many thanks for that.

Best Regards


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Hi Michael,

I am describing the way it is supposed to work. I don't use this technique myself, but there are other people, such as PJ, who have used it. There may be bugs in RM, which are in the process of being fixed by HRMS.

If you think you have it right, but it isn't behaving as you think it should, maybe you should report it as a possible fault through the online Help system built into RM


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What I need is a run though on how this all works I have read and reread the pages in the manual but I can't get my head around how you setup a singnal to change a certain point if anyone has the time to give me a step by step guide to say 2 aspect home showing red and the points in front are against the traffic when the red changes to green said points change to allow movement.

so if someone has the time time to show me how to setup something basic like this i would worship the ground they walk on or something like that.

Best regards



Hello Michael


Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year to you.


I have glanced over the conversation so far, Ray as always has done a good job helping you. He's a great guy.


I notice you mention 2 aspect signals, those are the easiest to deal with. Do you have the signals or are you just going through the motions in RM.?  If you have signals / decoders, which are they?


I will have a look for your reply tomorrow.



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What I need is a run though on how this all works I have read and reread the pages in the manual but I can't get my head around how you setup a singnal to change a certain point if anyone has the time to give me a step by step guide to say 2 aspect home showing red and the points in front are against the traffic when the red changes to green said points change to allow movement.

so if someone has the time time to show me how to setup something basic like this i would worship the ground they walk on or something like that.

Best regards



Hello Michael


Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year to you.


I have glanced over the conversation so far, Ray as always has done a good job helping you. He's a great guy.


I notice you mention 2 aspect signals, those are the easiest to deal with. Do you have the signals or are you just going through the motions in RM.?  If you have signals / decoders, which are they?


I will have a look for your reply tomorrow.




thank you for taking a interest in a problem i am having setting this up I have my points which on on hornby acc decoders r847 i think and the signals are train tech 2 aspect kits which run on their sc1 2x2 aspect decoders the problem seems to be sync them up to the points ie when signal green points allow to follow that road when red points should switch to other road what do you  think is the best way to set signals and points up so when green points act in their direction and when red return to the other route?

The manual seems not to show many exsamples of how to do this without very much trail and error if I had any hair I would of pull it all out tonight as I think i am getting somewhere then pop it don't do what i want it to do take this exsample a siding with a signal to the main line when i change the signal to green the points change to the siding road when i change back to red it should change back to the main road it do's the first but not the second GRR.I want to blow it up. I go back into the signal & points and do changes to see want will make it work but up to now no joy.

Any direction in how to do this would help me keep my sanity.

Best Regards


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