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Grey Point Direction Indicators

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More than likely because you haven't positioned the red and green point control buttons correctly either side of the point in question.  Just drag either one of them to the centre of the point and RailMaster will snap them into position automatically.  More details can be found in the track planning section of the RailMaster Guide installed on your Windows desktop.

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Why do some of the points not show the grey lines showing point direction? One even react to setting a different point? Not a big problem as the redgreen buttons show setting but just annoying.

Hi Greg,

I've noticed that when points are close together on your track diagram, one point's blue indicator can react to another point's buttons, especially if you have zoomed less than 100%. If you have space, try moving the affected points further apart.


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Why do some of the points not show the grey lines showing point direction? One even react to setting a different point? Not a big problem as the redgreen buttons show setting but just annoying.




A couple of thinks to check or note in addition to HRMS and Ray's above.


In RailMaster 


1 - Click the gear wheel icon top left, next to the drop down menu in the middle of the pop up is a small box, tick to set points on start up.

If this is not ticked they grey lines on your points will not show on your layout, or will only if you click them afterwards.


2 - Your RailMaster layout plan is not an identical copy of your layout, it is a mimic plan, to look something like it. There are a number of items you can't do or must do regarding positioning points. Read your RM Guide for more information.


One of these is that you should have one extra piece of rail between the toe of one point and the toe of the next point, if you don't you will have problems like those you are explaining.




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