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@ Fishy


You said, "PS.  How do you change a loco ID with your Select?  You certainly don't write a value to CV1 do you (For those who've yet to have the pleasure or otherwise of a Select, you can't directly access any CV at all)?  You don't with Elite either.  In that regard, all the Hornby DCC controllers are the same.  They have a simplified method of changing loco ID, and it's simplified because the controller does the writing for you without your knowing it is happening or needing to understand it."


I agree with your last sentence but I think I can see another hat being eaten. I can and often do read and write CVs with my Elite. There is a facility for doing just that, either on the main line or programming track. I prefer the latter just in case there might be interference with other locos standing on the main track. Not that such action is relevant in this case, though.

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Craig, welcome to the forums from me too.  Can I just very briefly point you to John's Idiots Guide - you don't have to do a forum search for another thread, I have reproduced it in full in my post which is 3rd down on page 2.  However, you will also note that I have then given the way RM expects you to change your loco IDs under that.  I would suggest you use the RM way.


After my my next post, which is going to deal with the little spat we have running in this thread, I'll come back with possible explanations for why you've been unsuccessful so far.

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@ Fishy


You said, "PS.  How do you change a loco ID with your Select?  You certainly don't write a value to CV1 do you (For those who've yet to have the pleasure or otherwise of a Select, you can't directly access any CV at all)?  You don't with Elite either.  In that regard, all the Hornby DCC controllers are the same.  They have a simplified method of changing loco ID, and it's simplified because the controller does the writing for you without your knowing it is happening or needing to understand it."


I agree with your last sentence but I think I can see another hat being eaten. I can and often do read and write CVs with my Elite. There is a facility for doing just that, either on the main line or programming track. I prefer the latter just in case there might be interference with other locos standing on the main track. Not that such action is relevant in this case, though.


Graskie, this is not a hat matter at all.  Of course you can write CVs with Elite, just about everyone with one will know that.  All self-respecting DCC controllers will let you write CVs (Select is not self-respecting in this regard).  My point is that, if you were giving someone advice on changing their loco ID, you wouldn't send them off through the Elite menu system to find and change CV1 would you?  You'd send them to that simpler part of the menu system that actually changes the ID, I would hope.  You'd leave learning to read and write CVs for another day.


And short v long IDs is a red herring in this discussion.  My point is that, irrespective of the length of your ID, the simplest way to change it in RM is to use the facility which is there for doing just that.  Just because someone showed john how to do it another way is not a good reason for continuing to advise newcomers this way when the "correct" way is not only simpler but RM contains prompts to help you do it correctly and completely the first time.

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Craig, back to you now.  No matter how you change your loco ID, it is a 2-step process - first you enter the new ID onto the RM screen in your loco setup window.  Then you must actually write this into the loco's decoder.  This last step is clearly not happening given what you've described.  Consequently, your loco remains on 003 and, as you've already found out, you can't run 2 Locos on the same address ( we tend to use address and ID interchangeably, they are the same thing).


So why isn't it happening?  There are 3 likely reasons.  First, you may have missed the Write operation out.  Second, you may have tried to do it while on the eLink Track output, instead of on the Programming output, and that won't work.  And third, there may be something wrong with your setup, either mechanically/electrically or in the RM program setup.


I'm going to assume we can eliminate the first reason because our advice includes the actual Write to decoder instruction.  And I'm going to assume we can eliminate the second too, because again our advice tells you to first connect to eLink's Programming output, and to make sure you only have the loco you want to change on the layout while you do it.


Unfortunately, the third reason covers quite a bag of worms, but let's go through them.  First, because the Programming output is deliberately a low power output, you must make sure your track and your loco wheels are spotlessly clean.  I realise everything is new, but check anyway.  Then, if you think everything else is ok, try a gentle push down on the loco when you ask RM to write to it, that often helps.  Then most of the worms are in whether you have actually set up RM correctly.  I know the fact you are able to run a loco on 003 suggests that you have but, if you have eliminated all of the other reasons, it's still worth checking.  To do so, go back to this forum and go to page 2.  There you will find a thread called Majestic with eLink, and my first post goes right through the setup process so you can check if you have done it completely and correctly.


Now that's the entire story.  Tell us how it is going, have you solved it?  If not, come back and tell us exactly where you are having the problem.  Also, don't be shy to email RM Support from within the Help window of RM, they are very, very good, and responsive. 

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Craig, back to you now.  No matter how you change your loco ID, it is a 2-step process - first you enter the new ID onto the RM screen in your loco setup window.  Then you must actually write this into the loco's decoder.  This last step is clearly not happening given what you've described.  Consequently, your loco remains on 003 and, as you've already found out, you can't run 2 Locos on the same address ( we tend to use address and ID interchangeably, they are the same thing).


So why isn't it happening?  There are 3 likely reasons.  First, you may have missed the Write operation out.  Second, you may have tried to do it while on the eLink Track output, instead of on the Programming output, and that won't work.  And third, there may be something wrong with your setup, either mechanically/electrically or in the RM program setup.


I'm going to assume we can eliminate the first reason because our advice includes the actual Write to decoder instruction.  And I'm going to assume we can eliminate the second too, because again our advice tells you to first connect to eLink's Programming output, and to make sure you only have the loco you want to change on the layout while you do it.


Unfortunately, the third reason covers quite a bag of worms, but let's go through them.  First, because the Programming output is deliberately a low power output, you must make sure your track and your loco wheels are spotlessly clean.  I realise everything is new, but check anyway.  Then, if you think everything else is ok, try a gentle push down on the loco when you ask RM to write to it, that often helps.  Then most of the worms are in whether you have actually set up RM correctly.  I know the fact you are able to run a loco on 003 suggests that you have but, if you have eliminated all of the other reasons, it's still worth checking.  To do so, go back to this forum and go to page 2.  There you will find a thread called Majestic with eLink, and my first post goes right through the setup process so you can check if you have done it completely and correctly.


Now that's the entire story.  Tell us how it is going, have you solved it?  If not, come back and tell us exactly where you are having the problem.  Also, don't be shy to email RM Support from within the Help window of RM, they are very, very good, and responsive. 

I've gave up for today and will start afresh tomorrow with the instructions you've provided so fingers crossed,  I'll let you know how it goes and thanks again for your help.

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