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Conversion of Lights in HST125


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Can any body advise how to convert the lights in the dummy power car of the HST 125 class43 (app 1980)?

Do you wire in a standard dcc chip,only using the yellow wire and i assume use the red and black wires to front and rear pick up feeds. and program say FO2 function.

Any ideas - thanks

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Hi Bb and welcome to the forums.


I'm taking it you intended to title this thread Converting the Lights in the HST Dummy Car for DCC but got carried away?  If you had, and the person who has recently posted on HST conversion was equally forthcoming, then the 2 of you could easily exchange answers.  You'll find a post from AugustusCaesar (AC) on a board you can buy that does the lights for you.  Please don't take this as criticism, but good thread titles make it so much easier for everyone to find questions and answers.


Anyway, your answer - the white function wire is for headlights, the yellow for taillights, and the blue is the common positive to go with them.  F1 controls the headlights, F2 the taillights, but you will need to swap them to work correctly in the dummy car.  And yes, red and black go to the pickups and the decoder address is set the same as in the power car.  You may need to first program this decoder in the power car as some won't program without a load on the motor wires.


For more info, Google Brian Lambert's excellent site and you will find this covered down the bottom of his first DCC page.

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Hi Bb and welcome to the forums.


I'm taking it you intended to title this thread Converting the Lights in the HST Dummy Car for DCC but got carried away?  If you had, and the person who has recently posted on HST conversion was equally forthcoming, then the 2 of you could easily exchange answers.  You'll find a post from AugustusCaesar (AC) on a board you can buy that does the lights for you.  Please don't take this as criticism, but good thread titles make it so much easier for everyone to find questions and answers.


Anyway, your answer - the white function wire is for headlights, the yellow for taillights, and the blue is the common positive to go with them.  F1 controls the headlights, F2 the taillights, but you will need to swap them to work correctly in the dummy car.  And yes, red and black go to the pickups and the decoder address is set the same as in the power car.  You may need to first program this decoder in the power car as some won't program without a load on the motor wires.


For more info, Google Brian Lambert's excellent site and you will find this covered down the bottom of his first DCC page.


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I take it this conversion is a DIY job using your own white/yellow (as appropriate) and red leds in which case carry on using the basic guidelines above, noting the need for current restricting resistors.

Or you can use a kit, which will have done a lot of the fiddly bits for you. I have used Express Models kits and they come with full instructions, albeit at a price, 15-20 quid each. I did find them a tad bright though and may have to strangle them with a suitable additional resistor.

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