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Saphire decoder assistance?


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Having converted most locomotives successfuly with the smaller decoder, i have now fitted one with a saphire and it would appear to current limit on movement .(lights go out flash but stay on when stationary) I have only changed the address all other cv as original. Am i missing something in saphire set up? or is it a hardware fault on the engine.(engine worked ok dc and no short showing between motor terminals and chassis)

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Hi fac

To me that sounds more like a power pick-up issue.  Lights (and sound when fitted) show up dirty track, pick-ups etc more than the motor itself, which can keep going with intermittent supply.

First thing I would do is clean the wheels, wheel backs, pickups and then check the wiring from the pick-ups to the decoder (socket if fitted).



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You seem as if you have selected the Sapphire Fuel Simulation facility.

Read about it on Pages 48-50 of the Elite manual and deactivate if not required.

When the fuel runs out the loco stops and flashes its lights until you press the Elite ON/OFF button which effectively refuels the loco for a set amount of fuel.

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