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RM Function buttons disparity with large throttle panel open.


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Thank you Rob however, as you may know we make a point of being available over Christmas for all those unwrapping their RailMaster and who may have queries.  The last thing you need on Christmas Day is disappointment.  Fortunately, it has been relatively quiet.


There might be the odd glass of Champagne here, which doesn't as yet seem to have affected our speeling!

Happy Christmas all!

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As you will know we have replied to your email asking for your locos data so that we can test this.


Are you saying the the slider on the small throttle also affects the buttons on the large throttle on your installation?

A response on Christmas day, I take my hat off to you all as it's a refreshing change to have an organisation who seem to be putting the customer first. Top marks. 

The problem has nothing to do with the sliders as such. As an explanation I only use the shunt button and cruise button with press set programed speeds and these two buttons have no issues what so ever. 

But, if I turn on the lights for example on a loco using a button in the group of six in the small throttle panel then either change the loco group or open a large throttle only to gain access to another button then when I return to the original small throttle panel I find the light button I pressed would be in the off state when I clearly left it in the on state. But the lights will still be on the loco which now means if I turn the button on the lights go off.

It happens with any button not just lights but it's not every time. I can go an hour and all is fine then I could find half a dozen buttons go wrong, there is no pattern. 

I will send over the files you have asked for ASAP



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I can also replicate the button desynchronisation problem if additional reports are needed.


RM sends a button command twice so as to switch a function on, then off again to make the controller ready for the next time you need it. If you are doing a double button press manually then it could be interfering with the auto-process.


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I can also replicate the button desynchronisation problem if additional reports are needed.


RM sends a button command twice so as to switch a function on, then off again to make the controller ready for the next time you need it. If you are doing a double button press manually then it could be interfering with the auto-process.


The sending the command twice sounds interesting however, I have read your statement over and over and I can't quite get my head around what exactly your saying the reason is. Why is it sending the commands twice?

Sorry if I am coming over a bit thick. 

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Its to do with the way the Elite buttons can work, either latched on until you latch them off or if you press and hold it becomes momentary, i.e.  it stays on until you let go when it drops off.


If you just latch a function on the Elite it stays on until you switch it off ready for next time. 


In RM a function can simply play through or it can be set as Fxxx on/off. On/off is same as the Elite latch on latch off.


RM sends a play through command twice to ‘reset the Elite button’.


If that makes sense.



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Rob is referring to latching v non-latching functions. With the former, one press turns them on and leaves them on.  With the latter, which have on/off after their name in the RM description, they come on for a relatively short fixed period then go off again. RM sends one command to turn them on, then a second to turn them off.  


PS.  Rob posting similar at the same time to me.

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Right OK, fly in the ointment is I only use Elink

However, I have had conversations with hornby this eve(Christmas day would you believe) and it seems to be that the F button state ie on or off is not remembered by RM when you move between groups. So this means if you leave lights on for instance when you go back the buttons have defaulted back to off, leaving the light on though and then starts the problems.

They have stated that they will add some code that not only stops you changing groups while locos are moving which it has now but will give a warning to turn off any buttons. They are also going to update the pdf to be more specific. 

Don't know how this will affect the large throttle panel though. Will see but progress as been made. 

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These changes have been made (irrespective of use of small or large throttles) so that if a function is left on RailMaster will warn you.  If you wish to have this funcationality now just download and run the setup file from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe


It was simple to get this very minor issue out of the way now rather than put it on a list.  The guide has a sentence in red under the loco groups control section informing users.  This applies to RailMaster in all languages.

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