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Sound chips


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Sounds like you are polling for retro-fit generic steam and diesel TTS decoders there Roy.

Come on Hornby - you know the market is already there.

And can they please be at a very sensible price - say 20 to 25 quid apiece.

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Surely this is a setup issue that can be fixed 2e0?


To date, Hornby have given no indication they will sell TTS retrofit kits.  The premium in the price of a TTS loco over its DCC Ready equivalent is around £20 so you would think a kit would be closer to £25 than £50.

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AFAIK, Fishy, there is nothing to match up wheel rpm's with audio, on a TTS chip, beyond a semirandom voltage setting.

If someone has sorted it, please let us know how!

As I commented when DoG was first released, at creeping speed, I was getting about 50 chuffs per wheel rev, At moderate and upwards speeds it was ok.

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One of the things to look at is the accelleration and decelleration rates in CVs 3 & 4. These must be set to 15 or higher for TTS to work properly. Clearly stated in the TTS 'manuals'.

I admit though the slow chuff rate outpaces the wheels, is best at mid range and was going to fast to count at top whack.

You could try playing around with CV150, etc to see what difference altering the speed regimes has on the chuff rate - if any.

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Sometime ago, in an interview with Simon Kohler, when Hornby first announced "sound", he did mention that Hormby "may" produce a sound kit, but it would probably depend on how sales went of the sound fitted loco's.  I think the full interview was in Hornby Magazine - a while back.

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