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Class 37 "Network Rail" with TTS sound


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I have just aquiried this beaut of an engine and although I'ts working fine soundwise,  I am unable too work out how to utilize the full capabitlites of all the sounds that this model is supposed to produce.  I understand once the engine is selected  and showing on the Elite screen window pressing the function button repeatedly cycles through F00-F09 , F10-F19 ,F20-F28 , Off F .

In the Instucton pamphlet that came with the model lists a complete function list  F0 through to F25 , with F0 turning on the lights (which this model does not have functioning)  F3 Horn Low-High  works by selecting the first set of numbers F00-F09.

My question is , How do you get the higher numbered functions to work?

press the second set of functions  and  then key in say, 12 , 17 or what ?

I would be greatful if anyone could hepl me understand the workings.



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You cycle through the screens

Select F0-F9 and press 0-9 to get those to work,

then go to F10-19 and press 0-9 to get those to work,

then go to F20-28 and press 0-5 to get those to work (F25 being as far as you can go).

So to get F25 to work you cycle to that function  set and press 5. To get F11 to work you call up F10-19 and press 1. Etc, etc.

Note that some functions are toggled sounds - Using the Elite you switch them on, then you switch them off, but if you hold the function button pressed for a few seconds it acts like a momentary sound and stops when you release the button.

 Hope that helps.

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Just to add AJ1 that the momentary sounds play through once pressed. You don't have to hold the button.


Note also that you can only play one sound at a time. If you play the fan (toggled) for instance then the horn (momentary), after the horn has played through the fan will kick in again until it is switched off or another spot sound is selected.


The background engine sound F1 plays all the time it is selected and alters automatically under control of the throttle and/or F5 Notch Up, F6 Notch down, F7 Return to Idle and F8 Thrash.

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Ajay - are you using a Select or an Elite controller - or one of the computer gadgets like railmaster and e-link?

If you have a Select, it is very limited on the access to the sounds and other functions.

Also - there is another thread on here about the 37, so if you find and read that, it might answer the questions you haven't thought of yet!  :-)

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