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How can I determine if the "USB" link is working on an elite

peter _murray

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Sadly while putting lights on buffers I pinned a 12 V live wire to the track. Alarming  buzzing etc and sparks from USB port as I disconnected the elite from the computer. Finally located the problem, fixed it but now have no viable connection between the elite and RM. RM programme opens and looks OK. USB ports seem to work as mouse works on both. Elite still works running everything as per expectations so suspect connection problems in connection. Haven't yet tried a new cord link as need to buy one in. Have reset the elite, shutdown RM , checked com/ports but they all come up with indicators that elite cannot be found. I wish to see if the elite is sending any signals tp Computer but have no idea about how to determine that. All and any ideas appreciated.

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Hi, pete, did your eyes light up to with £ signs. No doubt someone far cleverer than me will offer a tech check, but, on RM screen in top rh corner, is picture of Elite, which is lit up, when  on. If you click your mouse on it, it says, DCC controller working, or, not working. If it says, working, you in my view, should be fine.. Surely, you have more than 1 usb cable, in your house. Borrow one from a printer, or another appliance, just to test. john

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Hi Peter


You could try this:


With the Elite disconnected from the computer and with both up and running, open up the device manager on the PC (Win 7: right-click Computer, select Manage, Device Manager).


Plug the Elite into any USB port on the PC and listen for the USB insert sound whilst watching device manager.  If all is OK, you will get a sound and item will appear under "Ports (COM & LPT)" in device manager.


As you have already proved the PC's USB ports to be OK, if there is no sound and nothing additional appears anywhere in Device Manager, then unfortunately you Elite's USB connection is probably dead.  This is somethign which could be repaired by Hornby Customer Care.



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After trying PJR's suggestion, and before disconnecting or shutting down anything, email RM Support from within the Help window of RM, telling them everything you've said here and what you've just tried. And see what they have to say.

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