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Railmaster DCC / Elink problems

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Just one thing to satisfy my curiosity. As I have Elite not e-link I can't try this myself. If you can get a connection from your laptop to your e-link. Could you go to the system menu in RM (the cog icon top left). Then for the e-link controller what Baud rate does it show. Is it 115K? If it is, could you try choosing the 19.2K option and see if there is any improvement or otherwise with the connection stability.

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I'll give it a try "IF" I can get them to connect. Recent attempts have proved unsuccessful. However even going ahead with Elite (which I have seen some reasonable prices on eBay and elsewhere), I will expect I want to get RailMaster/eLink working at some time).

But I can confirm that all the settings in RailMaster menu match the port's settings on the computer's device manager.


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A few things from my brief and frustrating experience with e-link, I couldn't get it to work on either my i5 desktop or i7 laptop, went out and bought a second hand laptop still running Windows XP voila it works !

Now that I have it working I have noticed a few quirks, the user manual is next to usless stopped trying to read and make sense of that ages ago, changing loco ID's is anthing but simple, I worked it eventually once I realised the manual was usless, another interesting "feature" is that everytime I click on the clock icon to try and change the time the currently selected loco changes direction!

I'm realy dissapointed with e-link, I waited for quite a while defore jumping into DCC and the e-lik appealed becuase of the railmaster PC interface and my interest in all things computer, I'm now sorry I didn't get the elite,



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Richard, hi, it is generally acknowledged, and has been offered as a solution, many times, that Railmaster runs best, on Windows xp, several, have done, as you, and made it a dedicated machine. iam very surprised you find changing loco ID, difficult, as it is almost  the most simple thing, within Railmaster. I  have had problems with the manual, basically, i think, as it is in boffin speak, but if you look on the forum, you will find detailed explanation on IDS, which, i used, and it is quick and easy. I have an elite, but find RM, easier for IDS. When you say , you are disappointed with the elink, it is only a bridge to RM, and was never designed to be anything else. There have been a few connection issues, hence my post on the locked thread, explaining how to connect, whi ch many have benefitted from. There are mant happy elink users on here, including me, and some use both elink, and Elite, with one controlling trains, and the other, accessories. The only reason i bought the elite, was, living in france, we have a fearful problem with electricity/ power cuts, which ,means the elite can bring the trains back to life, quicker, with its knob control. I would not be without, RM, and the PC, interface, and for 18 months, before power supplies became so much of an issue, with local farms, causing surges, ran Elink, very happily. john

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I agree with Chris that changing IDs with RailMaster (when it connects), shouldn't be too difficult, even I can master that. The only other CV I've been confident enough to change is acceleration and decelerations. I've watched the Hornby YouTube videos on the Elite, and while Elite may be much easier for controlling trains, it's perhaps a bit less so for changing IDs. Or perhaps it's just that I'm not used to it. 

But as said before, initially anyway, I will use Elite for controlling trains, and RailMaster for changing IDs and so on.



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Managed to get Elite on ebay for reasonable price, and "new" - boxed with all the kit that comes with it.

Arrived this morning, just had a quick try with it. Works perfectly. No connection issues, and in my opinion easier to use than using laptop. 

Just need to get used to the various IDs, RailMaster does tend to help you on that score, but I'll soon get to know them. (I've printed the loco list from RM as a guide)

As well as for programming new IDs, as said before, will try and get RM working in future, with help from Support, to allow me to do other things.



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Yes I thought about that. I have a few different locos of same type (e.g. 4 x class 66s), so ID of 66 wouldn't work (unless I used say 63-66); and I haven't yet figured out about coding long IDs.

Roughly, I have the IDs grouped into generic types (e.g. 1-5 old diesel locos, 6-10 new diesel, 11-15 old diesel units etc etc). Well that's how it started off!

It's easy enough to print a list of trains (the loco list from RailMaster is perfect!, especially as I will always be programming from RM which I still think it easy).  I have already entered the "name" of each loco on Elite as the running number, so at least when I select a loco ID I know if I've got the one I'm looking for.




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Hi Guys

I too had problems getting the system to work despite help from friends who are more IT savvy than me.

With the help of HMRS I found the problem was caused by my Internet security software.

I use F-Secure and have been very happy with it since using computers.

However I had on installing RM/eLink followed RM instructions to disable any AV software ie virus protection,firewall,deepguard and spam filtering  still had problems.

After a great deal of frustration F-Secure advised me there was another security step that cuts in when all the above

are disabled,This is called Advanced network protection.

When I disable this when downloading and installing RM and it's updates I have had no further problems.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks Jug

It seems there is a lot of issues using any sort of computer controlled controller. I'm sure plenty get it to work without any problems, but there's possibility of computer speed not being up to it, problems with security software, the version of Windows you are using, and it seems far from simple. Sort of emphasises my point (and perhaps justifies to myself the expense!) that controllers such as Elite are so much easier. 

Fair enough, there may be problems updating the firmware from time to time (another story), but that's when computers come into the equation, again!

If I've got 30 minutes to spend fixing track or points and testing trains to make sure the tracks are smoothly connected etc (i.e.part of the hobby we all share and enjoy), Elite allows me to do this. In my experience, with RM, you spend most of that time unplugging and plugging power and USB cables, and restarting the program.



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Another very disappointed customer having endless and expensive Rail Master/eLink problems.

I was given an eLink set for Christmas but by late February had all but given up on getting anything to work. The usual fail to connect issue despite endless calls to Hornby and genuinely brilliant support we got nowhere. Finally, the not-so-helpful RM support suggested that I was one of the few (4) customers with a PC that had the USB drive/Windows 8.1 issue. Despite my laptop being new and dedicated to my new hobby, I bought another laptop! To my delight, it worked instantly and consistently for a month, thanks to advice on this forum, I have a Linx 10 and a big smile. Until today, that is. I have attempted to connect my eLink to the tablet around 20 times, always following the recommended procedure exactly. However, I have achieved a connection only once in the last three hours.

I have now run out of ideas. Clearly things work but so infrequently that I am close to giving up again. Why do we have such problems? Please, please, Hornby find a fix. Either this amazing system works or it doesn’t. Does anyone have any other ideas for a successful start up sequence that might be more reliable?

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Pilot, hi, welcome to the forum. What problems you have had. I have several comments. Firstly, if you look at the locked thread at the start of the post, you will find my easy start up guide. It rarely fails. It is, and never has been, a hornby problem. A lot are to do with anti virus, thats also covered in the post. Its basically, giving the hard drive, sufficient time to stop, before moving. Its a computer thing.  Secondly, if your original laptop, was new, it will still be under warranty, and i would be , returning it, as not suitable for purpose. Many users on here, have struggled with windows 8, whilst others, have not. If you want a cert way, of not having any problems, acquire, a windows xp, laptop, and dedicate it to Railmaster, and you will be a very happy bunny. It is on this machine, that it runs best. Also, fine on windows 7, so, you could load that instead of the strife ridden, windows 8. On the horizon, is windows 10, which can omly improve situation, But if an extremely well qualified  technician has told you, your machine is faulty, whip it back. You will not be the first, and the shop, will  not be surprised. report back. john

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John, thank you for the welcome and the advice.

To be clear, I do follow the suggested start up sequence and I have removed all AV software. My problem today is that although I have had 2 successful starts, this has been achieved only over a period of several hours (now around 30 attempts). For the last two attempts I waited 15 minutes after starting the laptop before launching RM. The issue is that when it works its brilliant but I have no idea what changes to prevent the other starts from being successful. The second laptop, the Linx 10, worked flawlessly for quite some time; why today should things go wrong?

The first laptop was not faulty, just incompatible with the eLink. It never connected, not even once! The manufacturer of the laptop along with Microsoft never claimed that their product was compatible with Hornby systems. On the other hand, Hornby claim that their product is compatible with Windows 8.

Why do I get random successful connections, despite following exactly the same sequence (I even use a stopwatch!). Why has it suddenly become much worse and how can I improve the rate? 

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Pilot, hi, sorry, disagree, if i was told by a technical specialist, that my computer, had a Windows8/ usb drive issue, back it would go. You dont know how many other products wont work with it, and windows 8, is known to be the pits. The designer, left microsoft, very quickly.. Its nothing to do with hornby system,it has a faulty usb drive.. It is not possible for a  computer not to be compatible, with  anything, its very design, is such that it is compatible. If you are content, with a faulty machine, thats fine, but the elink, is only a bridge to connect usb. i would be having it changed. Moving back to your problem,, there is also, a connection sequence, which must be adhered to, again, in my guide. When you had it working, why did you come out. I leave mine, (when i use elink ) connected all day. Have you got the latest update. I am really, clutching at straws. All i can suggest , is you let HRMS, take over your machine, un install, and re install, with latest update. They will be able to bring it up tp speed. Having myself , been there twice, i know the frustration, and  annoyance that we feel we are doing something wrong, when patently, we are not. I do however, urge you to  return your first machine, as it clearly, is not right. sorry not to have a magic wand. john

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John, I follow the sequence exactly but the results are not the same each time. I am trying to establish a reliable start process, which up until today, I thought I had discovered by following your advice precisely. It took me an hour to connect the first time today and I want to be able to do it in a fraction of that time. I deeply appreciate all your hard work in this area.

Now, ehem, puts wig back on! Under the Sales of Goods act of 1979 as amended, an item may only be considered ‘not fit’ if it fails to ‘perform’ a claimed task or implicit task. My car can’t fly, but Ferrari never said it could so I have no claim against them for that. (I dream). Lenovo never stated that their product would work with an eLink, so no claim. If the USB port didn’t work at all or very rarely, then we have a case for not fit. Sadly, it works very well with two printers, a scanner, a flock of hard drives, USB sticks and a mouse.

I read elsewhere that an Elite linked to RM could be a good and stable alternative – what do you think?

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Pilot, i am happy with your wig, but my law degree, trumps it. leveno/windows said your usb, was fit for purpose. It clearly is not. It is not up to you, the customer , to justify it. if it is under warranty. Clearly you are reluctant to take on the seller, so, they win again.. Moving on, I have an elite, now you are in another league. Absolutely, perfect. I have just suggested to Mark on this thread, to look at ebay, and he has bought a very good bargain. Only mistake he made, was to update it.. You will have no trouble says he, with hands in prayer, if you buy an elite. Mine was new, and £100 off, but they are different animals. You dont need RM, to use an elite. It saves using a mouse to drive your locos, and, once you sort out your elink, you can use that for your points, if you wish, and drive your trains with Elite. Cetainly, you will then, be all things to all men. Dont rush into first Elite on ebay. You need it with version 4.1. If in doubt, ask before you buy, we can advise if necessary. Where did you buy your faulty machine. john

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Yeah I tend to agree with Pilot, that it could be difficult trying to return laptop for refund because it fails to connect to Hornby eLink. The one I used with eLink/RM was under a year, so I was thinking about trying a refund too, as it was purchased mainly for use with the model layout, and nothing is installed on it apart from RailMaster - and any software which may have come with it.

At best the retailer may offer a "repair", but of course if it worked with other hardware, they might claim there wasn't a fault.

Pilot definetly has more patience than me, it seems, trying for so long to get it running. But what choice do you have if you want to start the system. What annoyed me particularly is when I sometimes did get it running perfectly, it could sometimes stop - despite nothing being touched in respect of connections, or alterations to computer settings etc. Just using the software for normal model railway operations. If it stopped in use, like this, well I've never known it to restart again in the same session.

In the early days, I've had my system since late summer last year, I did contact Hornby support. First they emailed with a detailed instruction list, including updating drivers etc. All very good it still didn't work. They then jumped onto my PC and yes eventually got it working. Until the next time I tried, back to square one.

OK we've discovered that it could be the laptop wasn't up to speed and have gone down the route of the Elite (much cheaper than a new, more powerful, laptop).

Haven't tried connection RM to Elite, for the time being I'll keep it simple.



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Incidentally, the Elite I found on eBay was £135, brand new unused. Delivery was from this country, and received following day. The cables and connections were still in unopened plastic bags, manual was present, and I would definelty agree that this was a new product. Although currently unavailable, you only have to look at the price on the Hornby website to see how good a price this was!

The original copy of RailMaster and eLink I received, was part of a complete starter kit (Majestic), so contained trains and track for the price paid; so thankfully I didn't actually purchase RailMaster as a standalone product. As I mentioned before, I still intend using RM (on another computer) for programming new train IDs and things like acceleration/deceleration - I've worked out how to do this, it's simple enough. And RM is good for keeping record of all your stock, and a full list can be printed, for use with Elite!

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Can I still use the RM interface on my laptop but use the Elite as the connection to my track thus discarding the eLink?


Absolutely, for more detail see my replies on page 1 and page 2 of this very thread.


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I've worked with PCs since the original IBM XT! There have always been problems with some PCs not talking to some peripherals and to be honest the only solution, if you need to use the peripheral, is to try a different PC.

But I have to say that I installed RM my Win8.1 laptop and it worked with the eLink without a problem.

latterly I decided I needed the laptop for other purposes so I rebuilt an old tower PC with a larger screen and a clean copy of Win7 on a SSD, again the install of RM went without a hitch and RM is fully operational within 30 secs of powering on the PC. 

i know this doesnt really help The Pilot but it does show that RM installs on many if not most PCs

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Just to add that I have an eLink and an Elite and 2 Windows 8.1 PCs.  Both Elite and eLink use the same USB port and the same USB driver; the Elite works perfectly every time.  The eLink only connects and works maybe 1 in 10 times at best.


So what is faulty?  The USB port, driver or eLink?  Logic tells me there has to be an eLink fault for this situation to occur.


I have now completely given up with the eLink.  The Elite is so much better; the Emergency Stop does what it says on the tin and I also find the Elite much easier to program CVs with and a lot of the time, I can't be bothered starting up the PCs and simply use the Elite - when running just a couple of locos I find it easier and quicker.  The only downside for me is the function keys on Elite not having user-friendly labels.



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@PJR_slo when you switch between the Elite and the eLink are you changing the USB COM port baud rate? Someone else might correct me but I believe the Elite requires it to be set to 9600 (which is the driver default) whilst the eLink requires 115k

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 This thread sure is getting complicated!


The first problem here is ensuring RM is operating correctly, is updated to the latest v1.61 rev 2 and is not being blocked by AV, firewalls etc such that it will activate with your licence code and you can email RM Support/HRMS from within the Help window of RM. I think everyone has achieved that? Either of the first 2 sticky threads on this forum provides detailed guidance if you can't.


The next issue is that RM is useless unless it can be connected to the track reliably. The first requirement to do this is to have a fully functional USB port on your computer. You would think that if the USBs will work other things, then they will be fine for connecting RM. Unfortunately this is not always so. HRMS has documented for us on these threads that some USB systems out there, in combination with 8/8.1 USB drivers, are less than fully compliant. Lenovo is one of the known culprits in this. Given that it is a compliance with specification issue, it is a potential warranty claim, although it may well be difficult to convince the supplier of that.


Given your USB is working correctly, the next issue is the actual track connection. This is where eLink or Elite comes in. Either provide the interface, and they do it in almost exactly the same way, using the same driver. The only difference apart from having different hardware and firmware to do it, is the baud rate at which they operate. If I remember them correctly, Elite operates at 19,200 and eLink at around 115,000. So eLink pushes the USB port harder, but you shouldn't assume that if your eLink is having problems that an Elite will solve them for you. Some problems will be common to both.


Then there is the issue of each of the parts of the system recognising the existence of the other parts and connecting with them. This is where John's startup sequence in the 2nd sticky thread comes in. It is not a panacea to all ills, but once everything is actually working, this is the correct startup sequence to use.


Finally, the real Elite advantage over eLink is that it is a standalone controller with its own buttons and knobs so can be used to run trains and operate points etc without turning on your computer. If that is useful for you, all you have to do is pay the price.

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