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Re-activating Propack

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Depends upon your colour scheme as to what these icons look like.

Going back to square one.

Main settings icon top left of screen, then select loco detection tab.  This is where you enter your code.



If you didnt have a code then use the ? Icon middle of the row of icons, then select the up arrow and it will ask you to enter your card details, etc.




Edit: I see you have now reposted some further progress so its a case of wait for HRMS to respond. When you deregister to move pc to pc you should also derigister propack. I presume propack is not working as it may have self registered again. Check if the code is there.



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All of your license activations appear in your Help screen and must be deactivated before moving RM, deactivating RM last.  Then they must be all reactivated on the new installation, reactivating RM first.  Your new copy will have no idea you have ProPack until your re-enter it’s activation code.

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