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What is the best airbrush to start with?

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 My Iwata Eclipse is also gravity feed, with a 0.3 nozzle, and works really well with well thinned paint for doing any weathering using 8-12 psi. Plus it is capable of doing lines down to 1mm or slightly less (great for mottling on 72 scale Luftwaffe aircraft).


The exact psi depends upon how thin the paint is so that it still atomises correctly, plus just how close you get to the subject, but generally I use an 80:20 mix of thinner to paint and then tweak the psi and/or paint whilst spraying onto scrap plastic to get the right combination.


Hope this helps.




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  • 2 months later...

 Again a wee bit late but recently bought the 0.5mm extension kit for my Iwata Eclipse CS airbrush and it is now everything I need. It now gives even better coverage with a spray pattern of up to 2 inches plus can be used for really fine lines as well, perfect!

In addition it is quite simple to clean and keep in good working order so I can wholeheartedly recommend the Eclipse CS to anyone thinking of buying a simple dual action airbrush that will meet both their current and future needs.

By the way I have no connection with Iwata so this is purely based upon my actual experience as a relative novice and having previiously owned airbrushes from Testors and Badger (but I'm sure other manufacturers also have similar products).


Kind Regards


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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading the posts about the trouble with getting the correct adapter to connect airbrush to compressor; if you know any engineering folk with access to a lathe, they can probably measure the thread gauge and dimensions and turn a suitable adapter on the lathe.  I'm grateful to a friend who did just that.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jimbo.

Your question came up recently ,and if you look in the Humbrol Techniques Forum about half way down you'll find a posting called "What is the best airbrush to start with". It was posted about 3 months ago and has 3 pages of 28 replies that I'm sure would be of help. Also if you check through the other forums I'm sure you'll find more on the subject.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing some of your results.

Remember we do this for fun                          John the Pom

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Do an ebay search for an AS186 compressor. You should be able to find a deal for about £70-£80 that includes a couple of airbrushes thrown in. My own perception of airbrushing was transformed after ditching siphon type airbrushes and getting a gravity feed (the ones with the top cup). These are much more economical with paint, easier to clean and with well thinned paint sprayed at low pressure, fine lines are a doddle. So if you see a deal that includes a gravity feed airbrush, that's the one I would recommend.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree to most  of  the answers I have see so far.

The simple answer will be: choose a dual action, gravity feed internal mix airbrush. The Neo is the response IWATA had about all those cheap  Chinese airbrush flooding the market. It is better than a $20 Chinese airbrush but it still has some limitation. Bear in mind that it is the NEO for IWATA.....not the NEO from IWATA........They are certainly cheap, but if you can put a bit more into an airbrush I would rather recommend the Badger Patriot 105 or even better the IWATA eclipse HP CS........

I stumble upon a rather good website that had good info and advice.....maybe have a look and you will be able to decide what is the best airbrush for you!


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  • 4 months later...

I'm a bit late to this party aslo have an AS186 compressor the untanked version is an AS18.. no problems with it at all 

As far as airbrushes ..you pay your money you make your choice .. but gavity fed is the easiest for me ... i tend to buck the latest fads and stick to something thats easy to clean ..and doesn't have tiny parts as i'm clumsy andvwill loose them

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