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  1. Hello Rob Sorry about the wait but working long hours,firstly tried your hold the loco button to no avail, so took my courage in both hands and went in ,devil of a job with those triangular screws,finally got it apart looked around but could not see any zebra connectors,anyway I thought I would boot it up and guess what, it's working! Tried it a dozen times every time a winner. Have not put it back together yet going to wait a couple of days because of those pesky screws. So much for "display buffer".Thank you Rob for your knowledge and time, any more problems and I will be seeking you out. Steve
  2. Hello, This is my first post on the forum, have been reading with interest for years. My problem is with my Elite code 17/08, will not boot up properly display shows jibberish. Sent it back to Hornby who looked at it and sent it back to me saying "beyond economic repair ". I then phoned them and asked what exactly was the fault, was told it was the display buffer?? Any ideas? Managed to do a firmware update, also connects to Railmaster no problem. Surely if the motherboard has so many different problems Hornby should do them as a spare part,they can't cost that much! Steve
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