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  1. I have searched through the site here and unqble to find the service sheet for the C4033 Ginetta G60-LT-P1 LeMans 2018 Blue #5 3. I know this is a new tooling but was hoping the service sheet might be available.
  2. As Rick mentioned after 8 years they have done jack sh|t with the product, I did say but got shut down fast, that Hornby need to get back into developing this item, they just cant dump it and move on... they are pushing digital ARC PRO down the worlds throats yet they dont want to provide any further sustenance to go with it. Hornby need to wake the FU and realise this before they lose us all, currently I am and will be leaving the ARC PRO and system for what it is to move over to routed timber four lane track with completely different system, one that works, one that is being updated. I do not see the digital ARC XXX going any where further than how it sits, duped once again into spending and p|ssing my money away on what will be a dead product. Hornby WTFU now!!! posting on Hornby forums also where they 'might' give a sh|t and read this, though my gut says they won't and don't :(
  3. Hiya, I wouldn't say the lack of updates a BIG thing but they are important items being ignored. I totally understand Hornby must look after the main income stream, that being model trains, afterall they have to keep the milk coming in so they can produce the cream. I am being patient, I hope... and thought that more needs to be said by people who are interested in this hobby/business. Being new to slot cars and Scalextric in general I consider myself having made a substantial investment in this hobby with another order placed last week totalling $1,300 $AUD with previous orders and expenditure coming close to $5,000 in 18 months!!! I apologise if I came across as angry, I had and have no intentions of that. I don't beat around the bush no more, I would rather speak blunt and direct, unfortunately this may appear to be angry. I suspect most of my furstrations are stemming from the lack of designability for my track... I just can't seem to make it look, drive, race properly. I do not possess an artistic design brain which is where I am struggling from. It is great that Hornby are trying to get the younger generations interested in slot cars, after all it will be them and their children and their children that will keep this hobby and business going. To do this with specifically targeted micro and my first slot car sets I totally get it. They should not forget the people such as yourself Woodcote that have helped carry this industry. I have watched the 'James May's Big Trouble in Model Britain' which both mainly concentrated on model trains, again I understand this as I mentioned above. As for the new 'Hornby Hobbies - A Model History' publication, no I have not heard of this, where abouts may I obtain a copy? I am still waiting for the 2019 Scalextric catalog which has been on back order now for five months from Australian retailer, I am close to just importing the damn thing myself including other Scalextric items such as cars as it appears the Australian retailers are either placed last on delivery schedules or forgotten about entirely, such as Pioneer cars, I simply import them myself, again being quicker than waiting and reading excuses from Australian retailers. Wonder if I should put a pre-order in now for the 2020 Scalextric Catalog!!! lol You are a very lucky man to have had a father that passed on his interests to you, I tried myself when I was younger with my father being an Train Engineer, hauling goods, I got into model trains but sadly my father never got interested in the hobby with me which I think is strange since he used to drive trains himself, oh well. I wouldn't expect immediate fixing on any items unless it is detrimental, however with no update being done to the track software since inception that shows that it has been forgotten and brushed aside, sadly. I agree with you about being in this together and I think I am in this with yourself and the many other thousands of people, heck, if I wasn't I wouldn't have spent these many thousands of dollars personnally. I will be both a collector and a racer/driver. I am also hoping down the track I will have a nice routed wooden analog or hybrid commercial track where I can be a part of the Australian Slot Car Racing scene. I have settled, I hope, on a scenic setup with sedan (V8 Supercars) and F1 cars. As for the track am thinking along the lines of a street circuit that will both suit the sedan (V8 Supercars) and F1's. I appreciate your feedback and input and putting me inline :) Johnno
  4. Sadly it appears that Hornby are ignoring every part of the business, the club along with software updates for their own track design is far out of date. Going on history where they spent thousands of dollars on molds then they scrap them when they should have kept those molds for historical releases. Hornby want us to support them but Hornby refuse to support us. Not good at all. Hopefully one day Hornby will get their act together before it is too late. oh well
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