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Phil Peterson

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Everything posted by Phil Peterson

  1. Airfix, I keep waiting for you to release the AC-47 version of your newer C-47 kit. Wouldn't take too much to modify the existing mold. I picked up Adam Tooby's print #1 of this at the 2013 SMW but it has been 10 years and still no kit. Also a BT-67 Basler would be a neat option. I know there are a few conversions out there but hard to get this side of the pond for any decent price.
  2. Any chances of rereleasing this kit? I have one in the stash but have ideas for at least 2 more.
  3. A new tool Halifax would be nice and a Hampden would also be welcome for the British bomber set. A Manchester would fill some gaps. A new Walrus based on the 48th scale kit and a new Javelin would also be nice as would a new Vampire. I would like to see the O-1 and O-2 get new molds and would love a Rhodesian Lynx option. A new Cessna 150 and 172 would also be great. Personally I am after more airfield equipment in my scale, especially WWII, Cold War and Modern from RAF, USAAF/USAF and other countries. A corrected Tower would also be nice. The P-38F could definitely use a new tool version as the old kit is long in the tooth and the RS kit is a PITA. An earlier version of the Beaufighter with the flat stabs is on my list and I bought a conversion set to make one but would like to do an early nightfighter and a desert bird. Op Granby Buccaneer - while I think I can make it with the S.2B kit I still would buy another boxing. A Vulcan B.Mk 1 and/or B.Mk 1a would save me trying to convert one. A Lanc with a Tall Boy and Grand Slam.
  4. I enjoyed this article as my local club did a similar thing over 10 years ago with the Hill Aerospace Museum near Hill AFB, Utah. Because of the number of aircraft we went with 1/144th scale for our builds and where kits weren't available some of the club scratchbuilt them. Our lead on the project was a Docent at the museum and he did actually make the buildings after the fact. After the staff got done using it to reposition some displays they ended up putting it on display in the museum itself. Including a proposed new building which still hasn't been built.
  5. Had to look that one up. Looks like it was a flyable toy, not a kit per se. Still, interesting.
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