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  1. The extra model is being collected tomorrow, hopefully it will be with it's proper owner very soon, cheers.
  2. I got mine and came with a twin 😆, been in touch with HCS as they have sent me some elses as well by mistake, so somebody will have to wait a few more days to get theirs whilst it gets sorted 😀
  3. not able to post live links again, this time from a google search on cricket pitch dimensions, op in general discussion,
  4. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=KPZjXNufI_rOgweTz6PQDw&q=size+of+cricket+pitch&oq=size+of+cr&gs_l=psy-ab.1.3.0l10.5395.11954..14930...0.0..0.103.760.9j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.SyxN4ld8Rcs
  5. i had same issue the other day trying to post a link to ukworkshop for M-R, using FF and Linux, tried multiple times in the end posted a non live text, may or may not be related but FF has had a recent update prior to this, and as far as i can tell had no problems prior to the update, as i think i have published the same link sometime in the past,
  6. most sets usually start with a basic oval, and some have the contents of track pack A, the basic oval contents include 8 r609 curves and 1 r601 straight and 2 r600 straights 1 of which could be the power track, the track pack contents can be found on the website, feeling generous so here is a link, https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/track-extension-pack-a.html
  7. dynax

    What next?

    Railway Modeller did a spread on Rod's layout, a few years ago, you can see images if you google rod stewart model railway, he has 6ft high skyscrapers, huge bridges,
  8. Class 43 HST Valenta engine, i know there is already a hst set with these, and tts mtu engine is available, but nothing sounds like the whine of the Valenta, other classes 25, 110, B1, 55, 52.
  9. dynax

    What next?

    Rod Stewart, has a 1500 sq ft layout, he was on This Morning today, and said when he was on tour he had flight cases with his stuff in so he could do his modelling in the hotel room in between performances, the hotels even provided extractor fans to ventilate the paint fumes,
  10. it's not the voltage that kills but the amps, piezo ignitors are similar throwing out around 12,000 volts, had plenty of fun at school with one of them, anyone remember the van de graaff generators at school, had some fun with them too,
  11. like this, /media/tinymce_upload/7984e2b3ae708e17eb117fcbbd1e5520.JPG
  12. Whether one would be affected by it or not I do not know. But what about someone with a 'pacemaker' fitted or other delicate electronic medical aids fitted under the skin. Surely, it is best to play safe. maybe so Chris, but as it's only me that will use it, i have got into the habit of discharging when done, anyway it is only like a tens machine, but with a bit more punch, one belt a day keeps your fingers tingling 😆
  13. i have mine wired to the mesh, that way i can earth it each time i finish with it,
  14. Hi Jim, i only use vlc to convert, my preferred editor is either pitvi or openshot, depending on what i'm doing, i have to say though i use Linux Ubuntu as my operating system and not Microsoft Windows, the only windows computer i use is for railmaster to run the layout, and a netbook as a backup,
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