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Everything posted by NormanQ4

  1. I seem to have encountered a whole new issue with this upgrade to 1.70r2. I carried out the upgrade yesterday and was quite pleased when all went well and I didn’t get any of the problems that others have found. However, that all changed today. On start up I got the on screen message “setting points” - my points didn’t set so I assumed that the box had been unchecked – not so, the box was checked, so I tried to change the points – nothing happened. All locos and carriages with lights would run on the track until they came to a point or crossing, then they would trip the circuit breaker protecting the track. It was then that I discovered that the circuit breaker protecting the points and crossings had already been tripped, although I couldn’t find any cause. I was advised back in June last year to install these circuit breakers by DCCconcepts to overcome shorts on points / crossings. https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/forum/electrofrog-point-misbehaving/?p=3/#post-253686 The only thing that has happened since yesterday is the 1.70r2 upgrade I installed 1.69 but this made no difference.
  2. Hi Guy Welcome to the forum. I don't have a Hornby Jinty but I did have a Triang version in the fifties and the fixing screw was down inside the chimney. Worth a look?
  3. Hi William Welcome to the forum. With the loco being DCC ready, all you need do is pull out the blanking plug and push in the decoder. Before doing this take note where the #1 pin is located. If the loco doesn't run correctly, just turn the decoder around end for end. Either of the decoders that you mention will do the job with the sapphire having more features and therefore being more expensive. In that particular loco you may not need the additional features. Personally I prefer to use 8-pin direct plug decoders from another manufacturer which do not have a wiring loom attached and therefore are easier to fit inside a loco.
  4. Especially if you are skydiving 😮
  5. @Urbarn8 Why are you calling him Brian haha when he says his name is Brian if he wishes to? This thread is starting to get very confusing ☹️
  6. That's what the question was about. Pretend trains never used any service.
  7. WTD In other words, 23 bags of wind. How cruel you are.
  8. I find it interesting that some of you have found the slot to be too shallow. I had the exact opposite problem with some express points where the slot was too deep. On these the gap that has to be bridged is 12mm and the racket that the big driving wheels made when they dropped into it as they passed over was driving me nuts. I had to cut a triangular piece of thin plastic card and stick it in the bottom so that in this area the loco was actually running on the wheel flanges for 12mm. By pure chance the plastic card was just the right thickness and there was no break in the power supply to the loco.
  9. Much water has gone under the bridge since Fishy set this train running on 10 March 2012. I wonder if he remembers writing this post.
  10. I can't help but wonder if relaxing244 has waited almost 4 years for Percybigun's reply. 25 Jan 2013 - 8 Jan 2017. You could certainly call that relaxing.
  11. It seems like Choralc is quite happy to settle for becoming Chinese if he can’t have loco detection. What a strange alternative.
  12. I realise that Fishy, I don't need any more than two but I'm pretty sure that others might and that's why I mentioned it. I certainly don't need the track plan area any smaller since my soon to be started new layout has 5 loops and a fiddle yard and is 4.0m x 1.8m that's why I would like a full screen dedicated to the track plan. I know I could reduce the size but I've got the feeling that may be a bit squashy.
  13. I don't mean to be rude John but surely you would have to agree that 89p is almost a cost free option and as I said in my last sentence get a call back because it costs you less than that which is almost nothing. Too many people are put off by perceived exorbitant costs to phone Hornby that don't actually exist. I'm more than happy to recommend that people follow my advice and get that instant peace of mind instead of being in the position of the OP for over 3 months. The OP said that he had ordered a few locos so I think am safe in assuming that his budget could stretch to 89p.
  14. Obviously, your location, precludes a telephone call. john We're not living in olden times John, I think you need to get up to date with today's costs of communication. I phoned Mark last week from Aus. and I didn't have to re-mortgage the house. I don't have the bill for that call yet, but a call to CC the week before cost me $1.65 (89p). I'm actually going to call him again shortly. I'd encourage anyone from Aus. not to be intimidated by the cost of a phone call since if you ask to speak to Mark he is invariably occupied on something else and calls you back without much delay and even less cost.
  15. Since larger layouts are also more likely to have more locos on them, perhaps RM can create a simple method to split the track plan and locos list onto two screens. This would also create space to have multiple columns of locos instead of just two.
  16. /media/tinymce_upload/878b054e0aa34dbe7e67e7585b92cc69.png Hi trainz*3, I hope this may help you decide. It worked for me. This is a SCARM screenshot of the layout I am about to build. I have colour coded all the track that I am going to use from my existing layout so that I can see where it fits and what other track I will require.
  17. I'm also in the process of planning to rebuild my layout with the help of SCARM. For those who don’t know, one of the features of this program is the large selection of points / diamonds from many manufacturers. I think I'll probably use Peco electrofrog large radius SL-E88 and SL-E89 together with electrofrog diamond SL-E94. As far as I can see these are the best match although they don't match exactly. The points are 258mm long and have an angle of 12° while the diamond crossing is 249 or 251mm long depending on which page on their web site you look at . As near as I can calculate on SCARM, I will need to cut a piece of flexitrack approx. 74mm long to join the points and diamond to maintain 67mm centre to centre spacing between the tracks. Also since I plan to link two up tracks and two down tracks I will need to cut a piece of flexitrack approx. 65mm long to join the straight ahead end of the points to the other leg of the diamond. This isn't ideal but at the moment is much better than anything Hornby has to offer. If anyone has a better idea I would be happy to hear from them.
  18. Doesn't it tell you something Jimy when over a two week period admin and yourself are the only ones responding to your posts. I just had to respond since your video club is looking a bit bare.
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