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Everything posted by candishtowers

  1. Thanks for all the replies. Alas! I have tried all the Troubleshhoting methods, still the same, so I have been in touch with Hornby and I am sending the decoder back for them to examine.
  2. I have installed 2 x 8 pin decoders into locos successfully, however I have one that keeps giving the "unable to load sound profile" etc. Numerous resets have done no good so using my ECOS controller I changed CV8 to 8, I guessed this would again reset the decoder to default values. Trouble is after I install sound profile (sound profile still will not load though) the loco now creeps forward of its own accord very slowly and although it shows up as being able to be controled by Bluetooth, I am unable to move the loco. The same is true of when I try the ECOS -nothing happens apart from the loco creeping forward very slowly. Is the decoder faulty do you think or is there a way round the problem?
  3. Thanks for your replies. Yes, I am trying to turn on the lights with F0, but with no effect.I'll have a look at your suggestion for CV29, but as I say, it's no great shakes. Cheers.
  4. Installed an 8 pin HM7000 in my new NWR yellow class 31. Control, lights and sounds all working fine on Bluetooth mode, but switching to my ECOS DCC, control and sounds work fine, but there are no head/tail lamps - except they come on when I press Function 28 on the ECOS which is AFC or Automatic Function Control. I have re-set the decoder twice with the same results. Not a great problem as the lights do work under F28 but I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions?
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