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  1. Excellent, please can you post a link? I've tried the search bar on here and it throws up thousands of results. Many thanks.
  2. Any update on this? I have exactly the same issue. I have downloaded the Class 37 profile. Two of the Aux Light buttons turn the rear reds on, one for each direction. The other two aux light buttons do nothing. Is there a way to re program the function buttons? Thanks
  3. Thanks, that clears it up that is DC at least? Any ideas why the locos are all running at about half speed max? I've gone into the speed settings on the app, the max speed was already at 100 so no adjustments needed there. Apologies for the duplicate posts, you're right, my phone screen wasn't long enough to see the green notifications.
  4. I recently purchased the HM6000 and when looking at the suggested power supply, the website recommends the P9100 or "for extra power" the P9300. I opted for the P9300. It came in a box labelled P9300, however on the unit itself is says AC P9300W. My locos run noticbly slower using the HM6000 powered by the P9300W than on my original transformer and controller from the 90s, the 15v 800ma DC one. Also the directional lights on my locos are now dull. Is there a difference between the P9300 and the P9300W? I was expecting it to be a DC output, not AC. I'm hoping that's the issue or the HM6000 will have to go. Anyone have any knowledge about these transformers? Thanks.
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