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  1. Thanks Ratch, i'll do that, the only real gripe is that technically i should be able to get the redbox for £15 but will need to renew at £30. Sure it's probably an adminstration error and not moaning, just frustrated!!
  2. Hi all, this may be a very simple issue but i am slightly confused. I joined the Airfix Club last October and i can confirm that my profile shows expiry in October this year. On the members page it lists the 'Red Box' as available to buy at £15 (The Hawks). When i go to purchase it though i get the following message: This product is only available to club members with an active membership Is it me being a bit dense?? Do i have to wait until October to renew at £30??
  3. Problem sorted, the manual wasn't updated, you now have to hold down 0 and the unlit direction arrow to sort it. Thanks for all the replies and advice and yes the bug has started already, its probably a good 39 years since my last model railway but really looking forward to building the first layout!
  4. Thanks RAF96, Been through the instructions a couple of times and totally missed that :/ The problem now is that i'm following the instructions to correct it but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm pressing and holding the unlit direction key but nothing is showing on the screen and the red led isn't flashing.
  5. I thought that made more sense, i know as a shunter it could operate both ways, but for the purpose of the set i would have thought it would have been set to run with the radiator as the front which means that it has been set wrong at the factory. Is there anyway of changing it?
  6. After 8 years of asking the OH finally agreed that i could have a train set and bought me the Mixed Freight Set for Christmas. Didn't have any problems with set up or allocating individual codes to the engines etc and i do think the instruction manual covers things and everything is easy to understand. My problem is with the 08 and what could be deemed the front. When placed on the track with the radiator to the left and the cab to the right it will go anti-clockwise if the controller is set for forward direction. If i turn it around so the cab is to the left it goes the right direction. The Jinty runs as it should. Is it me or does this sound wrong?
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