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Gary NZ

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  1. It does seem to be the loco, I attached another tender to the loco same problem so I guess it is somewhere up front. I checked the contacts seem to be OK will dig a bit deeper tomorrow. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  2. I have just tried it with no sound moves about 1/2 inch and stops and stops RM. I am using the power supply that came with the original elink set.
  3. Hi all from NZ I have a TTS flying Scotsman R3284TTS which has been great but has suddenly developed a shorting problem as soon as you press go (elink Railmaster) I disconnected the decoder and tried the motor with a battery all works ok cleaned and oiled as necessary and reassembled all sounds work OK but as soon as I try to move it shorts out again. Is it the motor??? I tried the local modelshop about someone to repair it but was told no one in NZ does repaires except under warranty??? I have also a Duke of Gloster TTS which had the same problem ( a long time back and the motor was replaced it still isn't 100% but usable) Mod note - your multiple duplicate posts have been deleted.
  4. Thanks to the long suffering support team I have finally deactivated and reactivated Railmaster. My IP finally admitted there may be a problem with my router, went to friends place this morning and activated including Pro easy as. Up and running again.
  5. Hi Chrissaf I have tried just about everything to activate railmaster, support said the have rest the codes but still comes up wrong codes etc. I got the activat.dat file and checked the details ok logged onto windows a sadministrator, check firewall railmaster selected ok, turned off firewall still no luck. I am going round to friends house tomorrow to try his connection tried the other day but no good hope it works tomorrow. I am 76 and getting stressed with this never had a problem in the years I have used railmaster. Just emailed support again !!!!
  6. Hmmmm nothing worked so I took my laptop to my daughters (about 6Kms away) but nothing changed I will have to get a friendly it man to have a look I guess
  7. I am tring to deactivate Railmaster as I am changing to a new computer, have done this once before and no problems. This time an error message pops up. Unable to enter resource 12029 Help please
  8. Hi again from NZ got my Duke of Glouchester up and running by deleting the loco and closing railmaster restarting, loading Locomotive and setting up on programe track all OK now thanks. However the Hornby Clun Castle (Get used in a job lot) has a LokSound $ decoder so set the CV's to default but have only about 6 sounds and throttle control is eitherr off or on still working on it? Thanks for all suggestions will let you know what happens
  9. Hi all thanks for the advice I will try this tomorrow, one loco has the original TTS sound decoder but the other has a Loksound decoder, I will put my acient mind into gear and try this.
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