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  1. Hasegawa are normally overscale.....Compare their Pz.IV with Revell or Dragon.
  2. There's a photo of the Bovington 'Porsche' prior to its capture in the Jentz & Doyle book on the Kingtiger IIRC.....I believe it actually did have zimmeritt. This example also lacks the shot-protector ring around the base of the turret (so you would need to remove this feature from the Airfix kit if you wanted to model the Bovington example).
  3. Trust me, there are plenty of 1/72 manufacturers out there and new subjects are appearing all the time.....Knock yourself out: http://henk.fox3000.com/index2.htm
  4. Dave, if you have a hitlist of vehicles you are hunting, e-mail it to me.....I order from T&T a couple of times a year as a rule and would be happy to pick stuff up for you when I do so next.
  5. Take your pick: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=surviving+panther+ausf+a&biw=1920&bih=924&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZqL-gs5jKAhXI1RQKHakTDPgQsAQIKg
  6. Me neither.....But your figures are indeed nicely done.
  7. The difference between the two scales is always at its most noticeable with a big beast like a Kingtiger. I was a bit disappointed with this kit, firstly because it's the wrong scale for me and I've already got seventeen Dragon & Revell kits in the right scale, secondly because it is a retrograde step from the rather excellent Cromwell. The tracks of this kit have achieved a certain notoriety already and I commend both the posters above for getting them sorted. This is another model that would benefit from some aftermarket such as an etched zimmerit set (all 'Porsche' Tiger IIs had it). Have any of the hardcore 1/76 fans considered approaching Georgi at OKB about a set of aftermarket tracks for this kit, I wonder? He's a top fella and if you can convince him they'll sell, I'm sure he will oblige (with some of the finest aftermarket parts you will see).....He already makes these tracks in 1/72: http://shop.okbgrigorov.com/search.html?action=&phrase=tiger&ProductDetails=1&ProductCode=&CategoryID=0&SearchInSubcategory=1&BrandID=0&ProductPriceFrom=&ProductPriceTo=&ProductClassID=0&ProductOptions=0&page=2
  8. The Airfix Panther would be almost as accuarate as a representation of a Stalwart as it is of a Panther! =) Technical question for any Airfix bods who got lost and found themselves in here.....Can you guys do zimmerit? An accurate Panther Ausf A must have it, no exceptions, ever! I'd prefer to see it as an etched add-on rather than moulded, allowing the modeller to damage and deform it.....This would also allow Airfix to offer several sets featuring the various different patterns used. PS - Airfix, if you don't already have a copy of this in your library: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51301YZ2AKL._SX357_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg You really should get one!
  9. I don't believe I was disparaging Dave or his comments, I certainly didn't intend to.....The fact remains that the 1/72 market is by far the larger of the two and Airfix have a massive (& still growing) investment in 1/72 aircraft. For them to continue to focus on 1/76 vehicles under those circumstances seems a bit foolhardy to me. I grew up with these kits too and as it happens I'm also a wargamer (mostly PC these days), but I've also always been a bit of a scale fanatic. I still remember the day I built my first Hasegawa Sherman and parked it up alongside the Airfix kit.....I was utterly mortified, at all of about eight years old (I guess growing up surrounded by architects and quantity surveryors may have had an influence).
  10. You are not comparing like with like at all.....Neither the MMS or Millicast lists are exclusively vehicle kits (many of their offerings consist of little more than a MG or a couple of figures). Must I really list everything from every 1/72 cottage industry producer that I'm aware of? It might take quite a while.
  11. Simple.....Phase them out and replace them, starting with the worst models and particularly those that are likely best sellers if redone properly, then throw in the odd 'Airfix Special' to liven things up (ie: do exactly what they have done so succesfully with their old 1/72 aircraft range). I'd suggest something like this: 1/72 M4A4 Sherman V 1/72 Panther Ausf A - Main Production Series (massive yawning gap in the market, Revell & Italeri are utter rubbish, Dragon have taken a lunge but based on their CAD their forthcoming kit is junk too) 1/72 M4A4 Sherman Vc Firefly (Tulip RLs included for Guards Armoured) 1/72 Bergepanther Ausf A mit FLAK.38 (only available as resin conversions and you need two of those, plus OKB tracks to build an even vaguely accurate one) 1/72 Sherman Crab 1/72 Panther Ausf A - Early Production (with a Borgward would be great) 1/72 Hamilcar Glider & Tetrarch Light Tank.....This would be the 'Airfix Special' I said I don't go in for wishlists and TBH, while this might closely resemble one, it really ain't one.....But it does suggest how, with careful investment in just a couple of high quality tools, Airfix could jump into the 1/72 AFV market as a serious player, with a chunk of the market all to themselves. Airfix reputation in the 1/72 aircraft world has been literally transformed over the past decade and I can see no reason why Airfix couldn't do the same in the Braille Armour field too, if they so desired.
  12. Always liked the look of this kit, but it's just too big for me.....Cool to see one in something other than a desert scheme.
  13. Razor sharp as always Mike.....Cracking finish, but very clean!
  14. Oooops.....My Mistake! It's the thought that counts etc. etc. Seriously though this is shaping up to be one of your nicest works yet.
  15. Really enjoying watching this develop Ratch, charming project and the best possible use of the ex-Dapol range.
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