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  1. Hi 96RAF, just been down your way this week, just spotted you're in Dereham. Latest: Hornby have asked me to send the loco/decoder for them to check. I have advised them as well I've tried the SD008 profile in 2 other locos/hm7000 21 pin decoders and the behaviour is the same in each. I'll advise what the outcome is. I'll check the cv29 today as I won't be able to send it off till later in the week
  2. Yes, let's see if the issue can be analysed - I don't look for blame, whether Hornby or ECOS, it about finding root cause and solving it. Let's not say it's us or them, let's find the problem and solve it. These things are complex and there are variations, at the end of the day both are said to be NRMA compliant so it's probably something relatively simple, rather than a complex issue.
  3. Thanks 98RAF - will check, it should be just what's set in the profile as I didn't change anything. Tech at Hornby asked me to check 128 step mode used, and it is.
  4. Hi 96RAF - I just sent a note to Hornby too. I've got loads of other decoders, even Hornby TTS and they program fine on the ECOS, I even just checked again last night in case something might be failing in the controller. The DCC control itself works perfectly, just the programming that fails. Program on the main just returns Error, it doesn't go to Stop. I'm also a bit confused that a short should occur, even just sending a CV read immediately sets it to Stop. This is what happens when a short it detected but... I've just recently seen the ECOS do this when the list of loco's is edited and one is edited and tried to be given the same short code reference as an existing one so it may not actually be a short. I didn't get chance yet as pesky work gets in the way but at the weekend I'll see if there's a later firmware and see what happens. I've also got an old ZTCControls controller so I'll try it and see what happens. For me it's just inconvenience as can still update using the app if needed, just a bit slower waiting while blue tooth connects, especially if only one loco is powered and it drains the phone/tablet battery a bit (glad I have a battery bank or two) 😄
  5. Right, installed the P2 SD008 profile in the coronation loco, including the function map and then refreshed the CVs. Different loco, different TXS21 decoder. Outcome is exactly the same, quick burst of steam sound (1 sec approx) then silence when loco is idle, above step 8 chuffs start. Tried loading P2 SD034 profile just as a test - the loco doesn't have speed sensor - the steam in idle sounds works as expected, but also as expected, no 'chuff' until high speed steps, since there's no input for the speed sensing. So the conclusion I've come to is there is some issue with the SD008 profile. I'll raise it to Hornby and see what they come back with. In the meantime, I'll have a look at the CV settings and see if there's something in those that's maybe just set wrong in the default profile - the fact the sound comes on at step 8 suggests this to me as I some decoders have some setting that can be used for triggering at this particular step. Thanks again for help with root cause analysis 🙂
  6. Hi LTSR_NSE - probs a bit odd but, I just loaded the coronation profile and it works perfectly, motor control, idle sound and checked all other sounds as well, so not a decoder issue - reloading SD008 P2 profile... Reloaded P2 profile - exactly same problem, at idle there is a short burst of steam sound (perhaps 1 second) then silence. After speed step 8 chuffs start and match speed change. Below step 8 no soumd. Whistles and other sounds seem to work, just no base steam sound. Will try loading profile into the one in the Queen Mary and see if same problem (different decoder & loco) I have of course already checked all firmware up to date, including bluetooth
  7. Yeah, exactly that approach, just wondered if anyone else had a problem with this particular profile - seems not so most likely something else.. Thanks for help both. I'll try the Princess Coronation profile as I have that in the Queen Mary and it works a treat
  8. Thanks Steve - I'm slowly working through troubleshooting steps to find the root cause 🙂 The model is almost new out the box so this it's inauguration
  9. There is a blade type connector, but there are pickups on the locomotive and tender so I would not expect to need a power bank. The track is clean and soldered joints, with repeat power connections on each track section. Loco runs smoothly on DCC in terms of movement, just the idle sound that's not working. 10 other TXS decoders (3x8 pin, 7x21 pin) fitted in last 7 days and all other loco's sounds working as expected on same ECOS/track - will try downloading SD008 profile into one of the other locos and see what happens. I've got a lot of DCC loco's 40+ - only this one with issue at the minute 🙂
  10. Hi Tomasz, I have and use the ESU sound programmer and found it really useful so I agree with your sentiment. I also completely agree that we should not be trying to reverse engineer any manufacturer's intellectual property. What I really would like to see though is support for other models and the capability to create my own sound profiles and import them. I have a few non-UK models such as US Big Boy which would be good to be able to fit a TXS to as the price point is very competitive. Since Hornby appear to be increasingly targeting more serious modelling than the railroad 'toy' market it would be good to see a stronger commitment to this type of development and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt their market share. There's been a very strong move toward open standards in the computer industry, which included DCC, over the years and it's clear that companies that embrace these open standards can be very successful. Hornby's own Zero1 system was overtaken by DCC, but they're stronger with DCC. Developing open standards, like MP3 in music, for DCC sound and other capabilities, while still providing protection for intellectual property owners like Hornby will eventually reduce costs and everyone will benefit from the flexibility.
  11. I just checked, it is the SD008 profile I've downloaded and installedm not SD0034 with steam generator. Have now downloaded SD008 to it 8 times with full reset in between and just get short blast of sound at idle (step 0) no sound (step 1-7). At step 8 chuffing starts, I think maybe a decoder failure, beginning to think maybe one or more of the sound channels aren't working.
  12. I've base configured the HM7000 decoders from the App, then switched them to DCC. I've turned off RailCom and Marklin modes on the ECOS, I'm just using plain DCC but I still get the Short circuit with the HM7000 decoders, even just trying to read the settings. I have 30+ other sound and non-sound DCC decoders from many different manufactures including Hornby, Bachmann, ESU, ZTCControls... and they can all be programmed fine - I did check just in case the ECOS had developed a problem. Program on the main (POM) doesn't work either with the HM7000. It might be an update issue for the ECOS, it's a while since I updated it due to not having too much time the last couple years. I'll check and report back in a few days.
  13. Thanks creilly81 - thanks for help, will try it and report back - I've managed to do 10 other loco's and all good
  14. Thanks LTSR_NSE - then all good - I have a lot to learn 🙂
  15. I'm having a couple of problems: With the P2 profile (installed on 21 TXS in Thane of Fife) there is short blast of idle sound at idle then silence. Once the speed step reaches 8 and above the chuffing and steam sounds seem to be ok. I've tried resetting the decoder and reloading the profile multiple times. I tried a second 21 TXS and did same with the same result. With the MK4: DVT (while waiting expectantly for the APTE profile) - when it's installed in the APTE the horns only work in the reverse direction and some other sounds like the Cab Start up and AWS indicator have same issue. Not sure this is intended or if I'm missing something. Similar issue with the HST (Valenta) profile, the horns only work in one direction which seems a bit odd. I've got an older 8 pin HST running a pair of TTS decoders and that works in both directions. Powering on ECOS 50200 ~15v but the issues are seen when operating on bluetooth or dcc. Have to say, apart from it flattening my phone quickly, and bluetooth being a little slow, really find it very simple to set up and use the decoders. Would love even more if this could develop to Wireless IP but I guess that doesn't quite fit on a dcc chip yet 🙂
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