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  1. Hi I must explain that this is on dc.Its wired up as it was supplied and by examining other 50s in my possesion.I dont claim to understand PCBs and I am trying to self teach.What a head doer. Anyway if you could enlighten me with the common positive and common negative board thing and how this would affect the lighting and a solution to try then that would be great.After reading up about diodes I am beginning to wonder about these especially with the increase in power thing. Many regards.
  2. Morning WTD Do the pipes vary depending on the year it represents. Have you checked it against the real thing. Going back to my second post I did ask the question if anyone knew what particular year Leviathan was based on.I can find photos in Large Logo from 1981 right through to 1988 nothing for 89 and scrapped in 90.All photos show said pipe in situ.Just wondered as to why Hornby left this out on this particular model.Also its not that i have a rogue one as i have several of this model all the same. Atom3624 Fan? Yes, still working, 'though it's not run that often so it should do. I don't know how we got onto the subject of the fan but that's fine. Leviathans fan is present with the housing but with no mechanical internals to be driven and even if it were you could not hook it up to the motor via the elastic band method as in other 50s because they have changed the motor to what appears to be a class 31 motor. I am a great fan of class 50s and in no way was I slating the model.There have been some big improvements to this model internally mainly the wiring which is all hard wired now.There are things that have been taken out possibly deemed not necessary for example the 4x2 pin plastic lugs that hold the wiring in place along the top edge of the chassis and as mentioned the drive for the fan(not everybody's cup of tea granted) the change of the motor and said vacuum/steam pipe and also the printed cab partition detail.I suppose as long as it wizzes round whence on track that's fine. This model and all examples before it has a good heavy weight/feel and is a fantastic runner at all speeds(when looked after) So it was only back to the original question if anybody knew the year it was based on because I don't and if nobody knows then that's fine. Thanks
  3. A good link,many thanks. And as to prices changing,yes im sure they are a far cry from 9yrs ago and when putting Leviathan against some of the other 50s produced by Hornby quality seems to be going in the opposite direction.Having said that the adjustments to the internals are much better. Thank You
  4. photos showing crimps,cables,male/female connectors and completed connector/media/tinymce_upload/da20d5bcdd69d2166bd3c6aaa11784dc.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/83666d234234765bb8174b9abe36610a.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/3f4e620b88bea57ff47b48fd6b66cd9a.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/721bdd19bf5b729213424d0d54c78f6a.jpg
  5. Thanks for reply .Good photo Right looking at your photo,bottom left hand see the red painted pipe surface to buffer beam leads to an external pipe.Is this steam heat or vacuum. This pipe which falls back on its self under the buffer beam is omitted from Leviathan.If I had one example I might have accepted your Japan/China Theory but it is missing on all. So my question and its reason will still go back to my O/P. Thanks
  6. howbiman what do you know of Hornby 50's
  7. ok Sorry not getting it. 140-170 quid for a fine detail model and the detail is missing cause some girl missed it? Girl? Yen?.I thought they were made in China Make one?Should I bill Hornby? It was a simple question.Just wanted to know if there was a particular reason for it other than that. Oh my god ive been sucked in,this could go on as long as I can be bothered to sit at my chosen device for communication. Spare me!
  8. Hello again No thats fine. Heres another quick question. Hornbys latest 50 Leviathan.What year was it based on and whats missing from the buffer beam that is not on the model or in the accessory bag and why? Its on every photo I see of Leviathan. Thanks
  9. Thanks for your input again Chris. And for reminding me about photos i've learnt my lesson on that one. As you will see in photos,yes i have been down the route of the so called jst crimpers,fine for heavier gauge connectors.Due to space restrictions/keeping it tidy i must be on the smallest connectors jst supply.I did however manage to make a straight in-line connector using jst stuff,it took a while but it helps if you read their data sheet, saves a lot of time. The reason I ask about cable is that also I have been down the route of the alarm cable(ditched the telephone and cat 5 straight off).It is a fine stranded cable for sure but as you may or maynot see in the photo still a couple of gauges bigger.Also in that photo you will see 3 cables, top is alarm second is 30awg silicone sleeved and thirdly Hornby original. As you can see the alarm cable is is pretty large.So looking at the other 2 I would presume Hornby original is 32awg and PVC coated.I don't mind the 30awg but being silicone,its flexible but wont bend at a 90 degree and stay there it wants to curve its way round and if you know the wiring on the fifty and maybe others they are put into some tight channels.So hence the reason for sort of an exact match. Anyway for anybody wishing to use an inline straight jst connection these are the codes,trust me i've done the homework. Housing ACHTP-02V-S Crimp SACH-P003G-P0.2 Housing ACHTR-02V-S Crimp SACH-003G-P0.2 So I will post back when I've completed the original task. Going to upload photos in seperate post Thanks again.
  10. Hello again Right after a while experimenting with jst stuff i have finally sorted an in line connector of which i will post a photo over weekend.The clips and receivers are really hard to work with and would actually like a set of crimps but cant seem to find any for the size involved and I am crimping by hand of which I am not happy with.Anyway just a quick question on the back of this. Does anyone know the gauge and type of wire actually used by Hornby in what i should imagine would be all their locos? I am using a 30awg 7 stranded tinned copper wire silicone coated. This still seems too big and I believe Hornbys to be just PVC coated. Can anyone shed some light,and on the crimps! Thanks
  11. Thanks for reply I recently saw a phoot can't remember where of somebody's model and the comments were quote , very nice model but the buffer steps seem to be out of scale Hence my question
  12. Just a quick question Are the hornby class 50 buffer steps out of scale and if so is there a suitable replacement?
  13. Ok thanks understanding that now.Will have a look at that then. Thanks again
  14. Back home again after working away and have received my order which consisted of resistors and jst connector housings.Just to report that the completion of the circuit on class 56 pcb with the missing resistor now gives me power to headcode light so pleased with that. Having ordered jst pin receptacles a few weeks back and also the housings i thought i was all set up to make connector blocks to convert wiring class 56 pcb to class 50 lighting pcb but i seem to be a component missing.The pins. Sorry but i am going to have to call on you again chris for help.When i go to your link for pins it takes me to the receptacles not the actual pins,are the pins available?I have been on the site and cant seem to find them. Your help again is much appreciated,thanks
  15. Oops a duplication in photos there could we delete one set? Anyway once again a lot of good info there for me thanks for your time chrissaf.I did think about just using an axial resistor to connect the circuit but was a question more of aesthetics really trying to keep the board looking the same. Anyway will get an order together for resistor and connectors and will report back findings when work is complete in a couple of weeks if not sooner. Thanks again.
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