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Troublesome Truck

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  1. What About The Bee, This is a forum. This isn’t considered to be ‘real life’. People just want solutions to their questions - not a back and forth with pleasantries. Furthermore, your point about the behaviour on other sites is irrelevant, I made no mention of how other people behave on other sites. I was merely stating that another site that I frequent utilises the same forum provider as this one (powered by Invision Community). It does not feature a ‘thank you etc.’ reaction. Therefore, I doubt that the feature even exists and I doubt that Hornby or whoever is in charge here will be able to influence Invision into adding it and they won’t because it doesn’t offer anything of value to the hobby/site. It is wholly unnecessary.
  2. Of course it is still possible for the new member to find their relocated thread. They can do this by viewing their profile and looking at their activity content. If they’re new to the forum (to which they should read the rules about where to post relevant content so that this issue doesn’t happen to begin with), they won’t have partaken in much activity so they should very easily be able to find their relocated thread
  3. Pardon my potential ignorance, but is there a new member’s introduction thread somewhere? Usually when joining forums, new members are encouraged to introduce themselves to the community and to describe their interests and what they wish to gain from joining the community etc. I would’ve thought that there was this kind of thread on this forum somewhere, but direction for newbies would be beneficial in helping them to integrate and feel welcomed
  4. I’m not sure. It just seems a bit irrelevant. I don’t see the benefit in needlessly replying with a ‘you’re welcome’ post once a question has been successfully answered or having a similar ‘like/reaction’ to someone saying thanks. IMO, once and answer has been given which fulfils the question, that’s the end of the conversation. I use the same forum for a car club I belong to. It also doesn’t have the feature described in OP’s post. I understand that it’s nice to be polite and courteous, but I don’t believe that the application of the above is necessary here
  5. After a brief hiatus, I’ve just treated myself to another 37 in EWS livery and a set of Seacow hopper wagons. Can’t wait to get them on the track. Now do I need another shark for them though?
  6. The service sheet for this train indicates that it is loco driven
  7. Just ordered a Hornby 08 shunter in the Network Rail livery. Wanted one for ages. Ive also taken ownership of a MK2 track inspection coach also in Network Rail livery. the next thing I’d like to try to add to my collection is one of the FNA nuclear flask wagons.
  8. Not at all surprised by the decision and in a way I’m relieved that the decision was taken to remove it. It was becoming just a convenience for people to post about anything, some of which I found myself asking why some threads/posts had been created. They provided literally nothing to the site and in my opinion could be deemed as embarrassing. Another thing that irritates me and I agree with others regarding this, is the worthless, constant need to reply to every post in a thread. I’ve been a member of forums for a long time and there is a simple etiquette to abide by: if your post has nothing worth saying or doesn’t provide any quality response, please don’t bother posting.
  9. Recently purchased the Honby Balfour Beatty Sentinel. Absolutely chuffed to bits with it. The previous owner had already DCC fitted too which was an extra bonus! I’d like to make some more additions to my layout. I saw a Balfour Beatty themed small layout online and it looked great. Amazing how much detail can be applied to a small layout.
  10. Since I last posted I’ve taken delivery of a Hornby top link Class 58 Peterborough Depot in blue Mainline livery. Very nice and clean condition. Now need to find some mineral wagons for it. Also managed to snap up a driver loco of the Hornby Alstom Pendolino. Arrived with the male coupling snapped...flipping thing is like gold dust to replace. More likely to find hens teeth.
  11. Bachmann 09006 shunter in Mainline blue livery. Looks great. Obviously a fair few years old now, but still looks the part on my layout. I’ll have her shunting about the blue InterCity coaches in no time.
  12. Managed to get my hands on a supposedly rare Bachmann InterCity restaurant coach. I now have enough coaches for a full rake which is nice. I also managed to pick up 3 HEA hoppers in EWS livery. Just need to get something decent to pull them now. I would quite like another shunter or other diesel.
  13. My boss has a pitch on his oo layout. Though to be honest it’s more a village green type as opposed to a county ground. I have some photos of his layout on my phone as was quite impressed. I’ll ask him if I can post one so you can get the idea of what he did. Otherwise I’ll ask him where he got the models and how he came up with his dimensions of you like? Though knowing him it was probably made up.
  14. Finally got my hands on an Hornby EWS livery 56. It looks great, but think it’s one of the older models. Still, another fine loco to add to my ever growing diesel collection. Need to get some EWS wagons and vans for it now.
  15. Latest addition is the InterCity 125 in the Hornby livery. Only the loco I’m afraid. I’ll need to get some extra coaches and a dummy van. Still looks great. Not sure if I should run it with virgin coaches or Cotswold coaches. Pretty sure it belonged to Cotswold rail for a period of time.
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