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  1. Can't find the 'new' stands on the Airfix website.
  2. Hello. On lots of Youtube videos for layout builds, and at exhibitions, you see the titles of layouts done in the same format. It consistes of a long sideways oval with smaller half ovals over and under it, with the name of the layout inside. I don't know the name of these things, but would like to know where I can get/create one. Thanks in advance for your advice
  3. I'm considering adapting the Metcalfe Coaching Inn by turning it into a low profile building and using black paint/marker pen to add the wooden beams. I then may also buy Metcalfe low profile Elizabethan shops to add to the scene. The space for that section is limited as I have sidings there.
  4. I've just ordered a GWR shunter's truck. I'll be using the 0-4-0 I got for joining the Collector's club as my shunter, as my Pannier Tank is busy pulling passengers. Can I add a figure sitting on the truck, or was that against Health & safety?
  5. I'm considering the kitbash as my layout is a steam museum/heritage line and I need a reason why everything is clean (I don't want to try weathering as I might botch it).
  6. Hello. I want to add a shed to my layout where the steam locos and rolling stock get washed. I've seen one that has rollers, but don't think it would work for steam locos. Will I have to kit-bash, for example, a Metcalfe engine shed? It needs to be more open than a normal shed, so if I remove the panels that have the windows, leaving just the supports, leave both ends open and have roof ventilators instead of chimneys. I'll have to rig up some sort of spraying system from dowelling or thin straws and have a few workers with hoses. Probably ground drains as well. Input please.
  7. Would a track cleaning wagon work also as a workman's coach?
  8. I would like a workman's coach/wagon to go with my shunter's truck. Do you know where I could get one, or is there something I could convert to one?
  9. Does anyone know of a suppler who provides a Hogsmeade/Hogwarts backdrop for when the Harry Potter range is released?
  10. I've just remembered that I meant stencil, not template. I found one on ebay. Hornby used to sell one years ago.
  11. Hello, does anyone remember that Hornby used to sell a plastic track planner template? It was similar to the flowchart templates you can get, but for track planning. I've been trying to find one on the net and you can get one from other providers but I can't find one made by Hornby. As I plan to mainly (if not just) use Hornby track for my layout, I would prefer to use a Hornby template. I've printed off their track diagram, but I don't have and don't want to use tracing paper.
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