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  1. Point clips purchased and fitted, running smoothly now. Thanks. onwards and upwards!
  2. Thanks for that, i will now see to purchasing and fitting.
  3. Thanks for latest comment. The points I have were all 'as supplied' with initial Somerset Belle train set or subsequest purchases so unless point clips are fitted as standard I don't have any. Sounds as though I need them! As regards the power connection; again I am using power clip as supplied - would be difficult to use that in position indicated as there is no straight track there but will see what I can do. Thanks again for all the help.
  4. Moderator’s Note: - please do not use the redundant blue button to reply, all it does is repeat the quoted post. Also you did not add anything to your reply. Once you have replied correctly you can use the three vertical dots context menu to delete this post. This menu also gives you reply options.
  5. Sorry for the delay in responding and thanks for the comments. I have attached a very rough sketch of layout - hope it helps. Moderator’s Note: Your duplicate posts deleted. When you submit an image it has to go for approval so does not appear immediately. There is a notification at top of screen to tell you this but it is not ‘in your face’ so very easy to miss.
  6. I am still fairly new to the hobby. I set up my layout initially so that it was end to end with run round loops at each end - similar to a heritage railway. At the end where the electric connector from the elite controller was situated I fitted a point to the loop to enable two locos to go in the engine shed on 2 tracks. I was delighted when this worked because it meant I didn't have to go into the whole business of wiring underneath the baseboard. It worked well for sometime. Over the weekend I tried to make minor adjustments to the engine shed lines. Now locos will only go down one track, the other appears to be dead. Can anyone suggest what is wrong.
  7. Apologies for not reacting soonwer. i did read your valued comments and when I looked art 'Rosemary' again realised I had not properly fitted her together after taking her apart - all sorted now. Thanks.
  8. 'Rosemary' Carriage derailing I have purchased a 'Rosemary' Pullman carriage second hand. It seems in good condition BUT it de-rails very easily. I don't have this problem with other wagons or carriages. Any thoughts or experiences?
  9. I was hoping to fit train tech lighting to my Hornby Pullman carriage. as yet i can't find how to get into the carriage. Any suggestions? thanks.
  10. I have now received my SELECT controller back from Hornby having had the firmware updated. Maude now runs fine - address 03. The 0-6-0 loco that I originally had as 03 now runs as 01. This loco was the one i set up an acceleration value for which now seems to be very slow. Am I correct in thinkibng I can change this but must use a CV address - which was not available, so not any experience yet, on my original select version. Thanks for your help
  11. Very sorry to cause you any problems. Thanks for your help.
  12. Sorry, my mistake - it is of course a 'select' not elite. which is going off tomorow all being well for firmware update.
  13. Following instructions on Elite controller i set the accelation on my loco - set to 60. that now seems very slow but seem unable to change it to any other value.
  14. Now both locos are working but with transposed addresses. i have another problem but will raise separate query for that.
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