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  1. G'day, I am just returning to the hobby after a break of many years. I find the shop quite dated in format with its viewing limit of 24 items per page. Could the database administrators create an option for how many items load at one time, with say options for 24, 48, 96, 120 and all, or even just 24 and all items. Secondly, can simple search terms be included in the "refine selection" group, such as: "By Scaqle/Gauge", "By Era"and "By Operator". Third, the websites seems a bit discombulated, that is the presentation of the "shop" using the pull down "shop" tab versus falling the homepage image links. Finally, as a service to newer users and foreigners, like me, an explanation of the Era system used by Hornby and its other business names would be helpful. Cheers, Chris
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