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The Heritage Line

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  1. Thanks for your answer, I did try looking for a manual on-line but the only info I could find was how to install it, and the app and how to put sounds on the chip and a basic setup guide I was hoping to find a cv list which would of helped. Many Thanks Tony.
  2. Will the HM7000 sound decoder work in a loco without a motor, I know the diesel tts sound decoders worked, but the steam didn't due to reading the back emf. So I was wondering if these chips could be used in for instance a dummy loco such as a HST dummy end so that you can sound at both front and back of the train. Many thanks for any help Regards Tony.
  3. Thankyou for your reply!, I thought I was going mad! Maybe the person who sent me the device is just working from a script! and doesn't really know what they are dealing with, I will keep battling with hornby support and hopefuuly get somewhere in the end :)
  4. I recently purchased 2 hornby class 66 tts chips R8121, one works fine, but the other is totally different. The faulty one it starts up with the various beeps like the original 67 sound on start up but then wont move. None of my other 66's start up with this sound. then it will just continue beeping like it is stuck in a loop and after a couple of minutes the power will just go off to the chip abit like a short, then turns on again but with the normal 66 sounds. Hornby told me to do a reset which I did and it works ok, I then discovered that it only has this problem with a long address, in short address mode it works fine, all my other chips work okay with a long address, I have since wrote back and explained that it is in long address mode and cv29 currently has a value of 34 and the loco id is set to id:6622. I have now been asked to add 32 to the value on cv29. Am I being totally thick here or am I missing something? that would give a total value of 66 in cv29! Cv 17 and cv 18 have also been mentioned to get the long address but getting the address isn;t my issue just the sound while it has the long address. any help would be gratefully received. Regards Antony
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