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Everything posted by Polish72

  1. Guys I'm having alot of trouble trying to glue the 500lb bombs from the Resupply Kit to the C2 parts in the bomb bay of the Lancaster Blll. They don't fit snuggly at all and can't work out which way the bombs are placed either. I'm half inclined to cut the two protrusions on the bombs off completely just to give them some proper surface adhesion... Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks.
  2. Yes, this was going to be my plan B but wanted to avoid having to pay out for the Resupply Set. Having read further replies there may be after-market bomb sets that might be suitable. Thanks.
  3. Seems like far too much work for what is essentially just a hobby at the moment. Thsnk you for the suggestion.
  4. Guys, could you please offer some advice? I've revisited my childhood and started on a Lancaster b.III build and have pretty much given up already over the bomb bay doors: They are warped and cannot sit snug in a closed position. Furthermore, it's not clear to me - due to inaccurate instructions and the warping, whether the doors fit onto the small protruding 'hinges' along the fuselage. Doing this it creats a small gap between the seam of the door and the fuselage halves. Installing them in an open position is a logical plan B but means then buying the Resupply Set for which I'd only make use of some the bombs included; let alone that I've managed to sand part of the retaining holes at one end in order to try and make the doors fit. Apologies for a nooby question. Any help would reignight my willingness to continue... Since I have 3 more aircraft to make..
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