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Everything posted by matt-1207248

  1. Hi thanks for this post, it's been pretty useful. I've tried the above and am still having issues... I have one car that works fine on both lanes of the track and with both controllers. So I believe the issue is with the other car, rather than track or controllers. When I hold it angled to the track with the braids connecting and pull the trigger then the wheels spin as expected. However when you then lower the back to the track they no longer work. I've checked and the braids appear to still be making contact (I can lift the back ever so slightly without changing the front and the wheels will then spin)... the braids are at a roughly 45degree angle. It seems almost as if when the magnet is sticking the car to the track something else is happening that is causing a connection to be lost. Is this something anyone has any suggestions for as everything else works fine. Thanks
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