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  1. I can't see why club members don't get double point on all kits bought . Or 50% off flying hours required for redeemed kits . A company I buy some of my kits ( all different makes ) offers the same type of bonus points and rack up quickly ..they also have double point offers on kits . This promotes sales . I would buy kits not on my radar but for the points it's worth the purchase .
  2. More of an enquiry than anything else . Would it be possible for Airfix to build in the new style kit form . A single clear side and wing .as the new kits have so much detail to view especially on the larger kits 1:35 on . This would probably kick Tamiya off its top spot .. I just hate putting hours into detail as well as paying for pe ,3d prints only to cover them with a small canopy that is impossible to see anything ... The cockpit on most of the larger new kits could be stand alone models in their own right without wings ..
  3. It would be nice probably on the 1:35 to have clear sides like the canopy .as this kit has lots to see . Once you go to the expense of PE or printed parts . It would make a nice addition to have clear side panels/ wings though I am not keen on clear wing tips for nav lights ..I make my own bulb covers but I am unable to with this style ...a case of drill the full length to mimic bulbs . But ov
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