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Everything posted by Craig-1220464

  1. Hi, this is my first post on the forums. I am wanting some advice as part of research before I make a decision and I thought what better place than to get it from those who use them. I am looking into starting to airbrush my models rather than hand brushing. I have been on websites such as amazon and ebay, but I get extremely mixed results from the reviews that are left. Ultimately, I am wanting to get an airbrush and compressor that don't cost an arm an a leg (what with the cost of living crisis and all) but one that still does the job to a decent standard. When I have asked on facebook/twitter etc I usually get varied responses that don't really help with my research. Could anyone recommend me specific airbrushes/compressors/full kits and provide links (if allowed) to said items. Also would you be able to give me specific reasons as to why you would recommend using them, what you like about them and anything that you don't like about using them. Thanks in advance
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