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Everything posted by johnboyadvan

  1. So yeah, just before putting away the train set for a bit, I just thought, because Gordon and James have the same motor, run James on Gordon's motor and see if it is actually the motor. And it runs well. I did clear out a bit of gunk from the gears but didn't do a full strip down of the motor. But it doesn't explain that surely. So I'm guessing I need to clean or replace something on Gordon's chassis/main body, any advice is appreciated.
  2. Many thanks mate! Trying this out now. Mod note...Johnboy, it would be appreciated if you would ignore the blue button with white arrow. This is not a "Reply to this post" button. To reply to any post, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the "Reply text box". Your uneccessary requotes have been edited out.There is no real need to requote the WHOLE text of the post directly above your reply. Edit: Gotcha and the thin blade technique worked now to clean the motor...
  3. Following your instructions, its not coming up, I don't think its glued on, just think its a bit gunked up. Cleaned the tender wheels and where it connects together with cotton ear buds and alcohol gel. Try prying it off later. Oh and just noticed one of Spencer's rim's coming off the wheel in the tender! Going good so far!
  4. The track is pretty tight on, and closing any gaps hasn't done any difference really.
  5. Hi there! I've done a basic look around and couldn't find something so I just went with starting from scratch! Sorry. So I've got a Hornby Gordon and he's not very well. I'm pretty sure that I need to clean something in the tender, the issue is I can't find a way to pop the tender off or any screws. I'd rather not damage the tender shell. It is a pretty old model, it is from a Gordon passenger train set which I think was in the 80's/90's. Also any advice on what's gone wrong on the tender would be most appreciated. Video:
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